Search Results at Talk Python Training
32 courses matching your search
#100DaysOfWeb in Python
#100DaysOfWeb in Python is a course that will ensure your success with the 100 days of code challenge, all while teaching you Python web development. With every 4 days dedicated to a different concept, you’ll be amazed at how many Python Web technologies and libraries you’ll learn on this journey. Join the course and start your 100 day challenge now.
Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Flask and SQLAlchemy
One of the areas Python really shines is in building clean and powerful web applications. Once you know the language basics, this course will teach you everything you need to build data-driven, modern web applications in Python with the Flask web framework.
Ch6 Routing and URLs
Ch17 Course conclusion
Ch14 Testing web apps
Ch5 Jinja2 templates
Ch15 Deployment
#100DaysOfCode in Python
#100DaysOfCode in Python is your perfect companion to take the 100 days of code challenge and be successful. This course is 1-part video lesson, 2-parts guided projects. You will be amazed at how many Python technologies and libraries you learn on this journey. Join the course and get started.
Python-powered Chat Apps with Twilio and SendGrid
Twilio is a platform that enables you to build applications that integrate with text/SMS messages as well as other channels such as WhatsApp and voice calls. In this course, we will build a production-grade Flask application with Python 3 that adds deep integration with a customer service and ordering bot using Twilio's WhatsApp features. Additionally, we'll add SendGrid outbound email support to send our customers PDF and well-design HTML messages.
Python for .NET Developers
Are you a .NET developer who is interested in learning Python? This is the course for you. While there are many getting started courses for Python, this course is specifically geared towards helping C# and .NET developers quickly get up to speed with Python. It covers a wide spectrum of the developer landscape from the language, databases and ORMs, web frameworks, data science and computational notebooks, and much much more.
Ch7 Web frameworks
Async Techniques and Examples in Python
Python's async and parallel programming support is highly underrated. In this course, you will learn the entire spectrum of Python's parallel APIs. We will start with covering the new and powerful async and await keywords along with the underpinning module: asyncio. Then we'll move on to Python's threads for parallelizing older operations and multiprocessing for CPU bound operations. We'll close out the course with a host of additional async topics such as async Flask, task coordination, thread safety, and C-based parallelism with Cython.
HTMX + Flask: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript
htmx is one of the hottest properties 🔥 in web development today, and for good reason. This framework, along with the libraries and techniques introduced in this course, will have you writing the best Python web apps you've ever written: clean, fast, and interactive without all that frontend overhead.
If you are a Python web developer that has wanted to build more dynamic, interactive apps, but just don't want to (or can't) write a significant portion of your app in a rich frontend JavaScript framework, you'll absolutely love htmx. This library lets you write Python code you love and still add that clientside interactive aspect.
Eve: Building RESTful APIs with MongoDB and Flask
Eve is an open source Python REST API framework designed for human beings. It allows you to effortlessly build and deploy highly customizable, fully featured RESTful web services.
Adding a CMS to Your Flask Web App
Are you deciding whether to build a Python web app in Flask or go with a CMS like Wordpress? This can seem like an either/or decision. Either, you can have a great data-driven web app or some clunky PHP thing that marketing and other folks can use to create the site.
But as you'll learn in this course, it's quite easy to add a powerful CMS to your existing web app!
Up and Running with Git
This course takes an unconventional and pragmatic approach to git and source control and will get you up to speed very quickly. Many git courses take a least common denominator approach and decide you need to learn "pure" git. That is, just the commands right in the terminal or command prompt.
Not Up and Running with Git. This course teaches you how to use git by leveraging the best UI tools from common editors such as Visual Studio Code and PyCharm as well as highly polished git applications including Atlassian's Sourcetree.
Python for Decision Makers and Business Leaders
Python has seen meteoric growth over the past few years. This means many organizations and teams are adopting Python when they previously used other technology. Why are they switching? What is it about Python that makes it so effective for organizations? If you need to learn whether Python is right for your project or your team, this course will give you a fact-based look at the Python ecosystem and show you some of the most important use-cases and even when to avoid Python.
Effective PyCharm 2025
PyCharm is the premier Python IDE (integrated development environment). You will be hard pressed to find an editor that gives a more holistic way to build Python applications. While powerful, IDEs can be daunting to learn with all their features. That's why this course shows you how they all work.
Full Web Apps with FastAPI
FastAPI has burst on to the Python web scene. In fact, the 2020 PSF developer survey shows FastAPI going from off the radar to the 3rd most popular and fastest growing framework for Python developers. People discovering FastAPI are thrilled with it's toolchain for building APIs. But they wonder if they will need to build a parallel app in Flask or Django for the HTML side of their site.
This course is here to show you that you do not need a second browser-oriented framework: FastAPI is a fantastic framework for HTML-oriented content and static content. That's what this course is all about. You'll learn to build full web apps with FastAPI, equivalent to what you can do with Flask or Django. And it's an amazing framework with even more features than those older, more established frameworks.
Modern APIs with FastAPI and Python
FastAPI is one of the most exciting new web frameworks out today. It's exciting because it leverages more of the modern Python language features than any other framework: type hints, async and await, dataclasses, and much more. If you are building an API in Python, you have many choices. But, to us, FastAPI is the clear choice going forward. And this course will teach you everything you need to know to get started. We'll build a realistic API working with live data and deploy that API to a cloud server Linux VM. In fact, you'll even see how to create proper HTML web pages to augment your API all within FastAPI.
Modern Python Projects
There's a long way from writing your first print("hello world") to shipping a Python application. Installing new packages without breaking others, choosing the best tools that will still be maintained in a few years, figuring out what's the "Pythonic" code that everyone keeps talking about, moving files around to avoid import errors, writing tests even when you don't have time, or making sure that your documentation is up to date - those are some of the struggles that you might encounter.
This course helps you solve those problems. It takes you through all the steps of a typical Python project - from setting up a good project structure, managing dependencies, adding tests, writing documentation, setting up continuous integration, and finally - deploying it.
Ch3 Your code editor
Ch14 Deployment
Python Web Apps that Fly with CDNs
You’re ready to launch your Python app. You want it to FLY of course. Static resources can be a huge portion of that equation. Leveraging a CDN could save you over 75% of your server load and make it way faster. This course with show you how in a step by step guide. It’s way easier than you think.
Python for Entrepreneurs
Have you ever wanted to create a startup or small web-based business? Do you know a little of the Python language? Great, that's a huge first step. But there are many elements to launching a successful online business and this course will fill in the gaps and help you realize your dreams.
Building Data-Driven Web Apps with Pyramid and SQLAlchemy
One of the areas Python really shines is in building clean and powerful web applications. Once you know the language basics, this course will teach you everything you need to build data-driven, modern web applications in Python.
HTMX + Django: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript
htmx is one of the hottest properties 🔥 in web development today, and for good reason. This framework, along with the libraries and techniques introduced in this course, will have you writing the best Python web apps you've ever written: clean, fast, and interactive without all that frontend overhead.
If you are a Python web developer that has wanted to build more dynamic, interactive apps, but just don't want to (or can't) write a significant portion of your app in a rich frontend JavaScript framework, you'll absolutely love htmx. This library lets you write Python code you love and still add that clientside interactive aspect.
Python Data Visualization
Have you ever been confused by all the different python plotting libraries? Have you tried to make a "simple" plot and gotten stuck and been unable to move forward? Do you want to make sophisticated, interactive data visualizations in python? If you answer yes, to any of these questions, then this course is for you.
Introduction to Ansible
A course by Matt Makai of Full Stack Python for software developers who want to learn the Ansible configuration management tool for managing servers, deploying web applications and performing DevOps tasks.
MongoDB with Async Python
MongoDB is one of the most exciting data technologies. You can build extremely high performance apps with the joy of a schemaless lifestyle. Python is the perfect counterpart to MongoDB. In this course, we feature the latest Python frameworks and techniques for working with MongoDB: The Beanie ODM (object-document mapper), Pydantic, FastAPI, Locust load testing, and Python's async and await capabilities.
Getting Started with NLP and spaCy
There is a lot of text data out there and maybe you're interested in getting structured data out of it. Maybe you can make do without machine learning for this, but you might also consider using LLMs to help you with this. There are a lot of options out there and this course will introduce you to the field by focussing on spaCy while also exploring other tools.
As a motivation example, we'll have a look at the transcripts from the Talk Python podcast to see if we can automatically detect Python packages from it. We'll clean the data, explore it with spaCy, and training custom models. By the end of the course, you'll understand how to set up a proper NLP project and we'll also explore techniques beyond spaCy.
Build An Audio AI App
If you work with audio and video content, a whole new world of possibilities has opened up with the advent of AI. Now that it is nearly instant and free to extract highly accurate text from spoken word. And with that text, we can expand the possibilities in many directions. In this course, we will build a realistic and real-world app working with audio from podcasts. We will summarize them, generate transcripts, and even create specialized GPTs for that content. All of that will be done with amazing technologies such as FastAPI, Pydantic, MongoDB, HTMX and AssemblyAI.
Adding a CMS to Your Pyramid Web App
Are you deciding whether to build a Python web app in Pyramid or go with a CMS like Wordpress? This can seem like an either/or decision. Either, you can have a great data-driven web app or some clunky PHP thing that marketing and other folks can use to create the site.
But as you'll learn in this course, it's quite easy to add a powerful CMS to your existing web app!
Rock Solid Python with Python Typing
When Python was originally invented way back in 1989, it was a truly dynamic and typeless programming language. But that all changed in Python 3.5 when type "hints" were added to the language. Over time, amazing frameworks took that idea and ran with it. They build powerful and type safe(er) frameworks. Some of these include Pydantic, FastAPI, Beanie, SQLModel, and many many more. In this course, you'll learn the ins-and-outs of Python typing in the language, explore some popular frameworks using types, and get some excellent advice and guidance for using types in your applications and libraries.
Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps
Programming is fun and profitable. Learning to become a software developer should be equally fun! This course will teach you everything you need to know about the Python language all the while building interesting and engaging applications.
Anvil: Web Apps with Nothing but Python
Building data-driven web apps is tough. Yes, Python makes it easier than most languages, but you need to know a host of different languages and technologies and they have to fit together just right. This usually includes Python, HTML, CSS, SQL, Linux, a database server, and maybe even JavaScript. But with Anvil, you can create full stack, data-driven web apps with only Python. You write Python on the backend and Python on the client-side. The HTML and CSS are handled with Anvil's drag-and-drop visual editor. The database is seamlessly connected back to your application. And this is the course to teach you how to be effective with Anvil and Python to build data-driven web applications.
RESTful and HTTP APIs in Pyramid
Whether you're adding an API to an existing web application, creating a new API for a JavaScript heavy client-side app, or even building a backend service for a mobile app, this course will show you how to build RESTful services using Pyramid and integrate with a real database over SQLAlchemy.
Managing Python Dependencies
Here's how to go from "Writing Scripts" to "Building Applications" with Python, master the tools of the trade for dependency management, and become an expert at picking quality Python libraries. This course will give you the tools and best practices to tackle Python application development with confidence.
Using and Mastering Cookiecutter
Getting started with new projects in a reliable, easy, and reproducible way is very important. Cookiecutter has become one of the most popular tools in this area. Throughout this course, you will learn to consume the over 1,000 existing project templates for a wide variety of languages as well as create templates for your public or internal projects.
Python for Absolute Beginners
Learning to program can be overwhelming. Concepts and facts come at you fast and most courses don't cover many of them at all or at a beginner's pace. This is not most courses. Python for absolute beginners is our premier course for beginning developers. We start at the very beginning, teaching you the big ideas and concepts covered in a CS 101 course. Then we move on to writing increasingly complex code and applications in Python.