Python-powered Chat Apps with Twilio and SendGrid Transcripts
Chapter: Beautiful confirmation emails
Lecture: Intro to SendGrid

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0:00 In this chapter, we're going to switch over and work with a new product or new service from Twilio. Twilio sendgrid.
0:08 So Twilio Send Grid is an email service from twilio, as you might imagine, and they do two core things,
0:16 among others. They do email campaigns where you can set up email newsletters and other
0:22 types of outbound marketing, but you can also do things like as you see on
0:26 the screen here, send password resets or send receipts for when somebody buys a cake
0:31 And that's primarily how we're going to be using them in our application.
0:35 The first thing you're going to need to work with send grid is you're going to need an account. They're free. You can go create one for free over here,
0:41 and when you do, you'll be shown instead of a login button here, a dashboard. So click on the dashboard. It'll take us to the management back end.
0:49 You want to go through the steps here to make sure you verify your domain so it doesn't get blocked for spam and things like that,
0:55 or at least less so. But what we're going to need in order to get going here is you got to go to your settings and then to your API keys
1:02 Now already have an API key that I've created. You can see that it's got a private key and the key ID. So what you want to do is click Create API key,
1:13 click that button and follow along and create your API key here as well. Now, be careful. The only show you the secret key part of it once
1:21 So copy that and save it somewhere safe and private. We're gonna talk about where to put in our application shortly.
1:28 But the main takeaway is you're going to need an API key here from the send
1:32 grid dashboard to use the API that we're gonna work with in flask and Python.
1:38 We'll get logged in, get signed up and get your API key, and we are going to write some Python code.

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