HTMX + Flask: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Feature 2: Active search
Lecture: Rendering the videos found in search
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While I'm sure people were super excited to be seeing the number of results,
they probably actually want to see the results when they're doing a search. So let's go and work with this, and make this a little bit nicer.
So we're going to use a partial, but we're going to actually render it directly right
here, for now, and then you'll see later that we're gonna use the render partial inside the page. So let's go and add a new HTML file, and we'll call
this search results and none of that applies. Remember, this is a partial response, so we don't need the HTML and the extends and all that.
In fact, there's a lot of design here and there's not very much value. So I'm just going to drop in something and show you real quick.
So we're going to pass over a list of videos called videos, and then we're going
to loop over each video, we're say how many results there were, and then we want to say for each video `v` we want to link to it over this way.
And I'm gonna show a picture of it, and then we're going to show some information about what is the title, the author, the number of views and so on.
We also want to get this partial, notice that we can use a partial within a partial, which is awesome. And that those can be at different locations.
So these search results are here, but we don't yet have a partials for this one So have partials, and these are the partials well that are shared.
That are going to be common across different places, and I actually want to change the
name a little bit. Let's call this _video_image, and I've been using the preceding underscore to say this is a shared thing.
That kind of shouldn't be used directly like I did with the layout. So I'll put it over there in the shared, we'll give it this name. Well,
let's add one more, Again, not basic HTML and I'll just paste something. Again, not super, super impressive. The amount of HTML here.
But there's a lot of places we want to just put the image of a YouTube video, and it has this funky format with this certain thing and so on.
So it'll be nice to have that there. So we're going to just pass along the video, the `v`, give it the variable video
over there and that should be good to go. All right. I think that this is ready. Now, what do we do with it?
This was the text that we sent over before. Let's go and do this. Let's extract this.
So what we want to do is we want to generate different variables or different HTML here so we're going to say flask.render_template.
We can give it a template path. Which one do we want to render, the videos? Look at that, partials.
And then what is in here search_results, and what does it need? It needs videos=vm.videos. I think that's all it needs. That will do it, actually.
So instead of just coming up with our contrived little HTML as text that we just
wrote as a string. We're actually going to go back to Flask and say render our partial right there and then just return that.
But only if it's an htmx request, otherwise render the entire page. Alright, let's try this. So here we are again, we're back at our page.
There's our results. Of course we want to empty that out and let's say apple again, wow, look at how slick that is.
What if we said Python? What if we said indycar or just indy, super, super neat the way this works. So it looks like our search is coming along
great. The only thing I didn't really love there, it was here that we actually had results when it was empty. So we can just put nothing.
Now we come in, and we type for Python. Boom! There's our answer. And look through those, those look like the right ones,
don't they? This definitely Python topics. And look, here's even the interview I did with Carson about htmx.
Hopefully you saw how easy that was and were again leveraging this concept of a partial view. So here we have a partial that we give a bunch of videos,
it does a bunch of stuff, and then it also leverages this partial video image thing
what you saw was fairly complicated and doesn't need to be thought about more than
once. So allows us to just treat the image based on what YouTube will give us back for the video Super,
super neat. We ended up with this, our active search is actually working.