Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Our first git repository
Lecture: Creating a hosted repository

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0:00 Alright. It is time to build. Let's jump over to git hub and get started. Here. We are in my github account.
0:09 I'm already logged in, we want to create a new repository, you can see some stuff here about how other people have interacted with me or people
0:17 I'm following are doing things but where we want to go is just over to the new section and we're going to create a new repository.
0:24 I could both do this in the talk Python organization, make it formal, I could do it on my personal account here and I'll do
0:31 it that way. We're going to create some kind of app. I'm thinking a flask app that tells us tech jokes, how about that? That sounds like a lot of fun.
0:41 So let's call it something like funny web, we can name it whatever we want. It's going to get converted to a Url type of thing.
0:51 This will be sample app run course. You know, I could create a public and probably normally I would,
0:58 but since it's just gonna be around for a little while as we do this project I'm going to make it private.
1:04 Who knows? Maybe I'll make it public in case you want to run across it later. Now again, when you get to git hub,
1:10 there are many things layered on top of git it will help you get started or provide other workflows. One of the ideas is to have a read me file,
1:18 this isn't really a good thing, but it is a way to help kickstart how others can view your project.
1:24 So you definitely want to read me file if it's going to be public at least
1:28 the other thing we're going to talk more about this in this chapter is certain files should never ever be checked into source control.
1:36 That includes files that might have passwords in them. Never checked passwords into source control. Store them in some other way.
1:44 It could also just be really large files like maybe I'm working on a website that
1:48 does stuff with video and there's mp4's hanging around in the directories and those
1:54 we want to put there but we don't want to commit those huge files potentially back into github. So that's what this git ignored is about.
2:02 And you should pick something that most closely aligns with your language.
2:05 You can see there are many languages we are going to use Python because we're gonna do flask and we can choose a license.
2:13 If you do not choose a license that means you are not creating something open source
2:18 It might be source open but it doesn't convey permissions to other people to use it. So if you want people to use it you can give it like an
2:27 MIT license or something like that. Alright, let's create there. We have it. Here's our repository, it lives up my user name /the name.
2:35 We gave the repository up there here, you can see the contents of the read me automatically show up and there's all this
2:41 github stuff that we don't really care about. We've got it created now what?

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon