#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 82-84: Data visualization with Plotly
Lecture: Concepts: what did we learn

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0:00 Let's review what we've learned so far. Adding the RSS data, you really want to use feedparser to get the RSS data.
0:09 We pip install that as well as Plotly to do the data visualization. Then we imported the modules and I used feedparser to parse the RSS feed.
0:20 Which you can see one line of code and it wraps this in a nice data structure. Which you can even access with a dot notation. Then we prepare to data.
0:31 We wrote two helpers. One to convert the date string into datetime object. I made a little detour explaining a bit why you would want to use datetime
0:41 when you want to calculate the dates. But in this example, it was merely to extract year and month to have a consistent value for our graphs.
0:50 Then we extracted the categories from the blog links making them another helper. Using a regular expression to extract the category.
0:57 If it's in the dictionary, we return it, otherwise return to default set to article. Next we converted the data so far to usable structures.
1:07 All the graphs have counting in common and that's where counter is your best friend. You can see we generated a big list of all the publication dates
1:17 and we can just put them into counter which makes this nice, frequency counter. We prepare all three graphs. This was the first one.
1:28 The second one were the categories and the third one were the tags. You can already see that this starts to
1:35 paint a picture of what our PyBites blog is about. The final trick we needed was transposing the data, making X and Y axis.
1:44 I used a nice trick from Raymond Hettinger to use*data in combination with zip to make a date-like object or a list of tuples.
1:54 Transposing the data to X and Y axis' which made it way more easy to plot. Then I extenuate Plotly object, giving it the offline mode
2:07 and calling the innate notebook mode method to make it work inside my Jupyter notebook. Then the three plots.
2:15 Post for months frequency with all the prep data done, a small amount of code with a nice graph. Here you see the activity per month
2:23 and number of entries in the blog. Secondly, the common blog categories. We went and made a pie chart, which makes a nice visualization
2:31 what kind of categories our blog posts are. You can see that challenging articles trumped the other categories.
2:37 For common blog tags, it's kind of similar as categories but it's a bit more granular. There you can also see that we blogged quite a bit about
2:46 Flask and Django, github code automations, but this is a way nicer way to demonstrate it in any presentation. Check out other libraries, Bokeh,
2:58 this is from Panda's in combination with Matplotlib, a very powerful combination. This is a print screen from the Seaborn library.
3:10 As mentioned before, Matplotlib is also a very robust library and there might be many others but mostly I use Panda's and some Bokeh.
3:18 I decided to use Plotly for this lesson as it's simple to use and has nice graphs. Now it's your turn, keep calm and code in Python.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon