HTMX + Django: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: The HOWL stack

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0:00 Ever heard of the LAMP stack? It's an acronym talking about a set of technologies used to build web applications.
0:08 LAMP stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP, the four things that together used to be the most common way of building web stuff.
0:18 Inspired by LAMP and other similar acronyms, the inventor of HTMX, Carson Gross, came up with his own stack, HOWL.
0:27 Howl stands for hypertext on whatever language. Besides being fun to say, it also nicely encapsulates the idea behind HTML. HTML is a hypertext format,
0:39 and the same design ideas that are used between HTML pages can be used on partial pieces of HTML within the page.
0:48 By using HTML, you're closer to the soul of HTML, concentrating on the parts that need to be sent around rather than the mechanics needed to do so.
0:58 HTMX is agnostic of your web tech. It sits within the HTML page itself. That means you can take advantage of it
1:06 on your favorite web framework, whatever that may be. For me, that's Django, and the sample code used in this course to demonstrate HTMX
1:15 is built on top of Django. But everything you learn here can easily be used with Flask, FastAPI, or dare I say it, even Node.js.

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