Python-powered Chat Apps with Twilio and SendGrid Transcripts
Chapter: Using our database with the SQLAlchemy ORM
Lecture: Returning order details

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0:00 The final thing we need to do is return some order details, so it can go back to studio and work its way into that WhatsApp conversation.
0:09 We don't need to print anymore. That seems like it's working. One option would be real simple. "order_id": That's fine. That would work.
0:20 But I really like to have the response message sort of summarize like, Here's the whole details of the order. Here's the cake we think you ordered.
0:28 Here is the user who ordered it. Here is the price we think you ordered that and so on.
0:33 Just like we're using this on the incoming boundary for our pydantic model. Let's create another one. I'll order response model like this down here,
0:46 and we're going to have that kind of information I just described would have an order response. Also, it's a class like this,
1:01 remember, derives from base model. That's how pydantic works. We specify a few things that we're going to pass the order ID, which is an integer.
1:11 Remember, that comes from the database order date, which is a date time. Hope you didn't want to import, that way there we go a datetime.datetime.
1:28 I'm going to have an email, which is a string. That's the person that ordered it Have a price,
1:32 which is a float. Let's go ahead and actually pass the whole cake model back that we got. So it's gonna be the cake model. Think we called it? No,
1:41 just cake. It's like that. Okay, so all we gotta do is set these values and return it over here
1:49 So import this locally. Let's give ourselves some room lets say.
2:00 is going to be db_order.created_date, email is going to be The price is going to be cake_orde.price.
2:15 We can also do db_order.price to make sure that's what we had in the database. And finally, the cake is going to be cake_order.cake
2:23 and down here, we're just going to return this. And you would think you could just return it directly,
2:28 but not in flask. What you need to do is get the dictionary from it There we go. We've created our order.
2:34 And now we've got those that information and passive act. Let's try it one more time in postman before we move on.
2:40 And let's say we don't want lemon for our frosting or actually will make it a small It's going to change the price is 17. Yeah, we'll go with that.
2:49 That's send this over. Look what we got for our response. How cool. Here, this whole object is our order Response,
2:57 which has its cake object, testified with its small update. Everything we expected. Here's the email.
3:04 Here's the order date. We can make that maybe a little bit better if we do iso format, but I think that's okay.
3:09 Order id is three. The price of 17.0 gold coins. Fantastic. So our API is exchanging data and this information here.
3:19 Those are the kinds of things that we can send back to studio and finally through
3:22 WhatsApp to our customer to let them know that we've actually received their order saved in our database at our store and we are working on it.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon