Using and Mastering Cookiecutter Transcripts
Chapter: Case studies: Major projects using Cookiecutter
Lecture: Case study: Pyramid
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Next, let's look at the Pyramid web framework. So, Pyramid is one of the more popular web frameworks
it fits in there somewhere between Django and Flask, it's not quite as micro of a microframework as like Bottle or Flask
but it's not a big sort of building block thing that Django is. So, somewhere in the middle period. I like their little slogan here,
projects with ambition start small and finish big and have to stay finished, so I really love this framework,
it runs a lot of the Talk Python websites and web infrastructure so let's go look how we get started with Pyramid.
So, if I come over here I can say pcreate and pcreate is the tool, we just talked about having the API
in a tool or our game maker wrapping the API and this is kind of serving that purpose, it sort of uses a Cookiecutter but it didn't until recently
and I'm not sure if it actually uses Cookiecutter or if it's just the same files that come out but it's not really important as you'll see
so what we can do is we can counter a pcreate I want to use the scaffold starter
and let's call it first web app something like that something real simple and if we run this watch what happens
ok it looks like some the wrong there's a sorry at the end but it really, welcome to the Pyramid, sorry for the inconvenience
now let's go back to the top, bunch of stuff happened, but check this out
note, as of Pyramid 1.8, which basically just came out, this is actually deprecated this pcreate concept, instead you should be using cookiecutter
all right it shows you how to go look for all the cookiecutter things so we come over here and do a search, that search didn't go so well, did it?
Let's try again, here we go, so we have pyramid-cookiecutter-alchemy, pyramid-cookiecutter-starter and so on
so the thing I just created with a starter we can come over here and get this, now let's copy that, so we talked about the hooks
here are some things to do with hooks pre impose generation come down here to the repo, there's a template folder here
that has the various templates and notice we have Jinjja Mako and a .pt these are page similar or Chameleon temples
now originally this one shipped with just Jinja, but somebody here added Chamelon support and another guy that works on the project Mako support,
ok so these three got added and the tricks I showed you about using the hooks and modifying the files and so on
you can actually see those in here, about deleting non used files and what not so we can come down and achieve basically the same thing here,
we got our first web and Beeware, let's make a dir Pyramid and move first web into Pyramid okay so we come in here in cookiecutter, install this one
I've already installed it but I need to re-clone it because it now has to Mako support, yay!, so it's going to run Pyramid scaffold
and now it asks uses the choice template, let's say Chameleon that is the best; boom and then here is that little welcome message
welcome to the project, here's how you get started. Well the first thing I would do is I'd cd in here,
and then I'd run this and then I would run that etc. etc. Okay, so very cool project here,
and the fact that they're using Cookiecutter, they haven't been for long time, but they are moving to it, I think that's pretty interesting.