Using and Mastering Cookiecutter Transcripts
Chapter: Getting started using Cookiecutter
Lecture: Browsing the existing Cookiecutter templates

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0:02 Before we get into the details of how we actually use Cookiecutter and creating some projects, let's just take a quick survey
0:10 of some of what is out there. So, the power of Cookiecutter is that there is all these existing templates,
0:16 and with just a single command line operation, we can create projects that will vastly propel us forward
0:23 much much faster than just starting with an empty directory and starting to create Python and resource files.
0:28 So, on the Cookiecutter read the docs page, there is a thing called the "Pantry Full of Cookiecutters".
0:35 And here you can browse through all the ones that are there, so let's go take a quick tour.
0:40 So if you are just at you can see here we have the Cookiecutter overall documentation and in this page,
0:46 this is like really where you should start right here, and in this page, we have a pantry full of Cookiecutters, so here is a bunch,
0:52 and later on in this course, I will show you how to get your project, your template here, but for now, let's just have a quick look.
1:00 So here we have Audrey's Cookiecutter package to help you get started, here is one for creating a Flask project that uses Bootstrap to get started,
1:08 already supports user registration, so if you want to create a Flask web app and you want to base it on Bootstrap and have user registration,
1:15 this might be really sweet place to start, here is a similar one, but it actually has things like forgotten password and Heroku integration, and so on.
1:23 Here is one for Bottle, we'll take that one and play with that in a little bit, a bunch here, so all these are Python ones and as we said,
1:30 Cookiecutter is not a Python thing, it works for any project, and in fact, this IOS one really doesn't have any Python files,
1:40 but it's for this thing called Beeware, we'll talk again about that later as well. So there is a Python section, Python Django, Python Pyramid,
1:47 even some stuff for Cookiecutter metadata here, so like Cookiecutters for Cookicutter templates and so on,
1:54 but there is also C, C#, Golang, JavaScript and so on. So, technically, Cookiecutetr runs on Python but it will generate any of these, right,
2:03 so this is a great listing here, but I am not sure how many are here if you flip through, I don't know, a couple of hundreds or something,
2:12 so let's do something else, let's go to GitHub, come over here and just type Cookiecutter,
2:16 now you can see there is 1321 public repositories called Cookiecutter, okay, so there are many many more out there that people are not necessarily
2:26 adding back to that pantry, like here is the Wildfish Django starter, I have no idea what that is but there it is.
2:32 Cool, huh, so we could probably do a search here and then also limit this to just Python if you are just interested in Python,
2:39 or if you are just working with Ruby, you could limit it to Ruby, 32 repositories there, and so on. Okay, so that is pretty cool, let's take a look
2:50 at a few particular use cases out of this pantry here.

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