HTMX + Flask: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion and review
Lecture: Core elements of the starter Flask app
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In this course we did not start from file new project. No we started from an existing Flask application that already worked and that had already quite
a bit of structure and web design and everything in place, and we added some features
to some of the pages and then added new pages in the case of the Active
Search. So let's just review a couple of the core building blocks and pillars of this app as we got started.
So remember, our models, our data exchange that sort of stood in for our database and
if we use SQLModel, could actually be our database models or Pydantic models.
So we've got for example our category which holds a bunch of videos and we just
basically derived from the baseModel from Pydantic, create the fields and give them types like str, str and List[Video],
another Pydantic model. And then we can immediately just load up some sort of JSON
document and hand it off to Pydantic, and it will load these up and create them and that's basically how our database, our lightweight database worked.
Another really important idea was the idea of View Models. The view models job is to exactly exchange the data that the template needs.
Go to the view, it gets the data may be off the URL and so on and then this thing is going to go and get the rest of the data
may be from a database or an API, possibly from a form, do the validation and then sync that back to the
HTML Jinja template. So we have this ViewModelBase. It had all sorts of good things like it would store the request,
it would create this merged request dictionary like headers, cookies, form and so on.
All that data together. We would derive from it like here's our IndexViewModel
and it has a list of categories we got from the database, and then it turned
those into rows because we want three categories per row and that was easy to iterate
over, so hen we got to Jinja we didn't have to write complex Python code embedded in HTML. You should never do that,
do it in the view model and then hand off the final data to the template. Then we just return the dictionary out of our index view for our homepage and
that shows all the categories right there. Finally we had a lot of conventions in the way we structured our code.
Remember we had our views and they kind of drove everything. We have feed home and videos.
Then over in the viewmodels folder we would have view models that corresponded to view
methods inside of that home. So we have the folder home, and then we had the name of that function inside home.
So we have an index function and So in the view models we have viewmodels/home/index_viewmodel.
We also have this shared/viewmodelbase and then we have the same basic organization
for templates. We have their home, set of views and then in there we have a function called index. It's gonna use the HTML Jinja template index.html.
Hopefully you're familiar with this at this point. We've been working with it for a long time, and I find this organization very helpful
You don't have to use it. You can use a different organization but just have something like this where,
you know, I'm working on this function or this HTML template. Here's all the other pieces and how it fits together.