Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Build web apps with Pyramid: Part 1
Lecture: Web Framework Performance
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Let's have a quick look at the relative performance of Python among all the technologies that you might use to build web applications.
But before I show you this graph, I want to emphasize that performance is not the only thing when you are starting a business,
it's much more important that it's easy to work with that it's quick to get something out the door,
but it's also nice to know if what you are working with is going to live a while as your business grows that you won't have to replace it right away,
that it would be able to handle some decent growth before you maybe have to so some sort of optimization or even change frameworks.
So let's look at Python relative to the other technologies. Here is a graph of numbers taken from the TechEmpower benchmark,
and this is one of the more well respected benchmarks for web applications and it's absolutely comprehensive,
there are many frameworks and variations on different servers with different databases and so on. So here you can see we have a couple of technologies,
the fastest one that I put on the list it's not the fastest, but it's definitely interesting, is Bottle. So Bottle running on Python 2 is quite quick,
it's doing over 35 thousand requests per minute. Than we have Flask, running on Python 2, remember,
these are all micro frameworks, they do less so you would expect them to be able to be able to do more of it.
Then we have Pyramid with Python 3 right there and it's coming in third, that's pretty excellent.
Let's look at the rest, just down from that we've got Node.js and MySQL and we have Flask and Bottle in Python 3, we have Django,
we have Ruby on Rails and we have ASP.NET running on Mono. So I think you can see that our choice of Pyramid puts us well
to the right of this graph, it's certainly not bad, in terms of performance,
but notice something else, that if we look at this on Python 3 alone, remember, Python 2 is getting phased out in just a couple of years,
and there will only be Python 3 going forward, if we look at Pyramid 3 on Python 3 and we take away say Bottle and Python 2,
we only look at it running on Python 3 for example, well then, our choice looks pretty smart on performance.
So as you can see, Pyramid is a very capable web framework in terms of performance it's been great for all of my businesses,
I've been able to run my businesses and websites on Pyramid on simple cheap virtual machines as you'll see
we'll do something similar with Digital Ocean, here in this course. My podcast receives over a million HTTP requests to the Python backend
which goes all the way to the database, per month, and running that on a 10 dollar Digital Ocean server
doesn't even break a sweat. Barely registers on the CPU meter.