#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 82-84: Data visualization with Plotly
Lecture: Second day: build your own graphs

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0:00 Welcome back to the second day of the data visualization lesson and after the first day of theory and practical examples,
0:09 it's now time to roll your own and now it's going to be fun be because you will be experimenting with data and give it a nice representation.
0:19 If we head over to our code challenges platform, there are a few challenges I have in mind that will fit this purpose.
0:27 We have a few data challenges and we're going to show you Marvel and PyBites first here in data.
0:35 Here are some data sets you can use in these challenges. And for example for the Marvel data, I came up with this quick graph
0:44 of comic book characters introduced every year. And I used Bokeh for this and that's just one example of a graph you can make of that data.
0:53 We did a code challenge about analyzing our data and you're free to choose if that's Twitter data or Github or anything PyBites related
1:04 and then make a data visualization of that data. Another challenge is Bokeh integrating its chart into Flask. I think that's a cool challenge
1:15 because not only do you have to make the data visualization but also you have to integrate it into a web app
1:21 which makes it much easier to share it out. Here are some data sets you can use. For the rest, you're just free to make a nice visualization
1:32 and don't forget to pull request your work. So if you want to follow along with the code challenge platform, you can fork and
1:39 clone our repo and make a branch and all the instructions are in here. When you're done you can open up a pull request via our platform.
1:46 So that's that for challenges. Now get your hands dirty and tomorrow I will check in again with you to give you some more pointers
1:55 and see how it's going.

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