Up and Running with Git Transcripts
Chapter: Our first git repository
Lecture: Create a skeleton Flask app

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0:00 In order to express that this project is going to use flask and when we check it back out, we're going to want to say if you don't have flask in
0:09 your environment, you need to install it. Let's add a new file here and watch what happens. I'm gonna say new requirements dot txt and high charm says,
0:21 hey, here's a file that looks like it should be part of your project. Would you like to add it already to get this is the get add file name
0:31 already and all we do is create a project or create a file. So yes, that seems fine.
0:35 Let's do that. And let's just go over here and say this requires flask. Maybe we should pin the version and so on.
0:42 And I'm going to let pi charm install it into the virtual environment.
0:46 If you don't do it that way it's activate the virtual environment then pip install dash r requirements dot txt. That happened automatically for us.
0:55 Okay. So now you can see that the colors are different, we have a green one which is added but check this out if we go over
1:01 to git hub and maybe we got to refresh it, nope, there's no requirements dot txt or any other files that have been added.
1:10 Remember, commit and add, operate locally. It's not until we push those changes over. So we're going to keep working locally in our distributed way.
1:20 We have our flask file here and let's just get, for starters the Hello world ap going so let's go over and I'll just grab this
1:29 little bit of Hello World went over from flask, Clean that up now. This should really be an app. Dot get this is a newer way of doing things in flask.
1:39 So we'll put that there and let's go ahead and run it. And high charm the way you run it. There's a couple of ways actually,
1:46 we could go over here and just say right click and run and we have to call run at the end or we can say add a new configuration Bower flask,
1:59 the module name will be app like that. Turn on to bug, tell it to go look at that it's running and Hello
2:09 World. Fantastic. We've connected our get up repository to our editor, either V S code or pie chart.
2:20 Really. Both actually. And you can see already that the colors are coming through to communicate things like the get status of what's happening.
2:29 So we've worked with GIT add and we've worked with get status from what we've talked
2:34 about so far already in this editor here and then indirectly worked with the git clone
2:40 from source tree to get it onto our system in the first place. Fantastic.

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