Full Web Apps with FastAPI Transcripts
Chapter: Creating our first FastAPI *site*
Lecture: A basic FastAPI app
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Now that we've got our Python project set up in Pycharm, let's make it a FastAPI project. The first thing we need to do is go to
our requirements here and have our requirements stated. So to get started, we need just two,
and we'll keep adding onto this list as we start to bring in things like an ORM with SQLAlchemy, as we bring in static files support with aiofiles
and so on. But we can start with FastAPI, and we can also start with you Uvicorn. So Uvicorn is the web server, FastAPI is the web framework.
PyCharm thinks this is misspelled. It is not. So we can go over here and hit Alt + Enter and say Do not tell me this is misspelled.
They're actually working on a feature, to understand these packages and not say that they're out of date or whatever,
but there we go. Now we need to install these. So we're gonna go to our terminal, make sure your virtual environment is active here.
I want to say pip install -r requirements.txt right. Looks like everything installed just fine. I'm not a fan of the red.
Let's go ahead and commit these to GitHub here and notice over here, we've got our source control thing. We can do this to commit.
It shows us Command+K on macOS is the hotkey. But I've also installed this tool called Presentation Assistant.
When I click this, Note at the bottom we got this. But also, if I just hit Command+K, this would come up. So you'll see me do a lot of things with hot
keys as I interact with PyCharm in general, in the code and so on. So if you're not sure what just happened, keep an eye on
that thing in the bottom. Now, down here. We've got these two files. These call this starter code for our project.
Here we go. Now things don't look broken with red everywhere. But how do we create a FastAPI project?
Well, there's a really simple, what I would call the PyCon talk tutorial style where you just put everything into the main file and,
hey, you have a whole app. Look how simple it is. And there's the realistic one where you break stuff into
you know, isolating the views into their own parts, the ability to test the data exchange between the views and the templates.
And you got the template folder and all that. We're going to start with the simple one,
and we're gonna throughout this entire course move towards what? Maybe we should call the real world one where you actually organize a big,
large, FastAPI web application. We're gonna start by saying import fastapi and we're also gonna need while I'm up here uvicorn to run it.
Now, if you've ever worked with Flask, working with FastAPI, is very similar. It's not the same, but it is similar to what you would do with Flask.
So we're gonna create an app. The way we do that, is we say fastapi.FastAPI
And then we're gonna need to create a function that is called when a page is requested. So we're gonna gonna call that index.
That's just like forward slash And what are we gonna do? Let's just return something really simple.
"Hello, world". It might not do exactly what you're expecting, but we'll see. Okay, and then we need to decorate this function to say
this is not a regular function, but a function on the web. We'll say app dot get. Notice all the common HTTP verbs here get put post delete so on.
And then we specify the url. You can see there's an insane number of options. We only care about specifying the path, so this will be fine.
Bring that up. And how is everything looking? It looks pretty good, but there's one more thing to do. We need to actually
run our API. So we say uvicorn.run and we just give it the app and that's it. We've built a FastAPI web API so far as you'll see.
Let's go ahead and run this. Here it is running down there like that. Hello, world. Wait a minute, Look carefully. What is all this JSON Raw data.
Why does it say JSON? It says JSON, because FastAPI is most natively and API. It's here to build APIs that exchange data.
So, for example, if we had said something different here like we had said The message is, Hello, world and we run it again and we look at the raw data,
you can see it's returning JSON here. Okay, So one of the things that we need to do for this course is
to tell FastAPI for certain parts, may be much of it, maybe just a little part. Whatever part that we want to be an HTML browser
oriented web application, we need to tell it. Don't just, don't return JSON. No, no, no. Return HTML and ideally,
use a nice structured template language like Chameleon or Jinja or something along those lines.
But you can see we've got our little FastAPI app up and running here on locahost. All we have to do import fastapi, create an instance
of it, use its HTTP verb decorators to indicate which methods are web methods and then run, that's it.