Python Web Apps that Fly with CDNs Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Tech stack for our app

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0:00 Some courses, tutorials, demos, and all those things have honestly incredibly boring types of technology and presentations.
0:10 It's foo this and bar that and just terminal stuff. Not in this course. I've made a point of picking a really cool technology
0:20 that is both modern and could be used in current Python web apps. And so let's just really quickly talk through the tech stack
0:28 for this app that we're going to build. Now, before we do, I want to point out you don't really need hardly any experience with these.
0:37 You'll need a little experience with Python, you'll need a little experience with the web
0:39 in general, but you don't need to know too much about this technology because we're going to take that and just plug the CDN into it.
0:49 But it's here and it gives you a use case for CDNs and this idea, these ideas that you're learning here.
0:58 So I think it's really cool, the tech stack that we got put together. But again, don't feel like, "Oh my gosh, I need to know all these things."
1:04 Not true. You just get to kind of play with them, which is fun. Our app is built in Flask on Python 3.
1:10 We're going to be using Python 3.11 for this course. But as long as it's modern Python 3, we're not using any super crazy new features of it.
1:19 So Flask is a really, really popular and well-known Python web framework. That's why I'm choosing it.
1:25 You could apply these ideas to Django or FastAPI or others. We're also using HTMX to allow us to write almost zero JavaScript but get really cool
1:37 interactions and some of these dynamic pieces that are as we interact with our site are
1:42 returned little HTML fragments that are live and they of course also have bits that interact with the CDN which is cool.
1:51 We have a database with a couple of tables that we're going to be working with.
1:57 By database, I mean a SQLite database, so there's no server-side application to set up for that.
2:03 It's just going to be a file, but we're going to talk to that using SQL Model.
2:07 SQL Model is built on top of SQLAlchemy by Sebastian Ramirez, the same guy who created and maintains FastAPI, and it integrates with Pydantic.
2:16 a super cool ORM that we get to use throughout this course. And we're also going to keep our code extremely clean using Jinja partials, something that
2:27 I actually created, you can get on PyPI as well. And this allows us to exchange little tiny HTML fragments in reusable ways, kind of like
2:35 functions for HTML. And those little bits that come back in these partials or these fragments will, of course,
2:42 As I said, plug in to HTMX and interact with our CDN. So that's the technologies that we're going to be using and they'll combine together to
2:51 make a pretty awesome web application that we're going to start out being somewhat slow and then make super fast.

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