#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 97-99: Building JSON APIs
Lecture: Getting started: Program structures
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Alright, so let's get our project ready and everything set up here. So I'm over here in the GitHub repository and Day 97 to 99 in the demo app.
So, what I want to do is just create a virtual environment and then we'll do the rest from within PyCharm. Okay, so we can just open this folder
on Windows you would type "start." on Mac you type "open". So here we have our empty app and we've done this many, many times throughout this course
but this time is different. We want to actually have two separate applications contained within this project.
Let's go and create a folder for the client and let's create a folder for the web. Alright, so there's our client, there's our web,
each one of these is going to have it's own set of requirements, so let's go ahead and add those. Okay, this is a pretty good start.
So we have our set of requirements for a client and we have the set of requirements for the web. And notice we have our virtual environment active here
and if we ask what is installed, there's nothing, of course. So we're going to entirely focus on the beginning. Just on the web application, okay?
So we're going to close up this client here but before we do there's one really quick thing we should do. When we have files over here,
we kind of want to treat this as the whole project, right? You might have a api.py and a program.py and the program might import api.
In order for that to work easily in PyCharm is what we need to mark this directory as the source's root, say this is kind of its own little area.
Same thing for web. It's effectively adding that thing to the Python path and making that the working directory and things like that.
Okay, so, this is just the basic stuff that we've got going on here. Alright, that's the web one. We're going to tell the web one
that we require Flask and SQLAlchemy. Those are the things that we're going to need. So, we'll go over here to web. pip install -r requirements.txt
install everything in that file. And last thing, let's go ahead and add an app.py this is pretty standard in Flask
and we'll just print Flask coming soon. And let's go ahead and run this. Yay, Flask is coming soon. Let's get this run configuration set up
for a few good things here. So we'll go over here and say this is going to be the web app. And we also want to have it restart
because the web apps open a port, this one will be port 5000 and if you try to run a second one without closing this one it'll crash,
so this will tell PyCharm obviously to do that correctly. Alright, well, I think our structure is in place.