Python for Entrepreneurs Transcripts
Chapter: Growth hacking basics
Lecture: Turkey carving

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0:01 When you're trying to generate traffic for your application,
0:05 specifically at the top of the funnel where you want awareness and interest in your product, it can be really time consuming to create all the content.
0:11 And that's why growth hackers and marketers use a term called turkey carving when they think about how to package up that content in different ways.
0:20 Think about when you're creating an application, the hard part is coming up with an idea, and then coding the whole thing,
0:26 what if you could take bits and pieces of that code and then repurpose them to create traffic.
0:33 You minimize the really hard part that's most time consuming and you generate more traffic because you make the content or useful to more audiences
0:40 based on the way that they want to consume it. Let's take a look at an example.
0:44 One of my colleagues at Twilio was building a Python application with Flask,
0:48 and decided to use google spreadsheets essentially as the back end database. There were already a bunch of spreadsheets that he was working with,
0:55 and so he started using this Python library known as g spread, google spreadsheets Python API
1:01 in order to programatically interact with google spreadsheets.
1:04 He found that he spent a lot of time writing the code, making sure that everything worked,
1:07 and he realized this could be really useful information for other people
1:10 because there weren't enough great tutorials out there for using google spreadsheets. So we wrote this blog post, Google Spreadsheets In Python,
1:17 he told a little story about what led him to create this application, and then he gave all the code that someone would need
1:24 in order to use the g spread Python code library. And that's where most people would stop, they would say
1:31 cool, I wrote a blog post, this blog post did really well, I got a lot of traffic from it. But how can we take this content and repurpose it
1:38 for either slightly different audiences or ways that other people would want to consume it?
1:43 Well, you could take the exact same code and repurpose it as part of a tutorial. So one of my other colleagues created this video tutorial on YouTube.
2:06 So the hard part of coding and coming up with the idea of what should be written about, was already done, but its repurposed because some people
2:13 prefer to watch videos rather than just reading a blog post, and we can take this idea one step further-
2:18 how about another slice that helps an audience that's not Python developers- PHP developers, this is a blog post that essentially does the same thing,
2:26 where a PHP developer said hey I use google sheets all the time, how can I interact with google spreadsheets programmatically just using PHP code?
2:33 Or how about the Ruby developers? So instead of just getting a single blog post, Google Spreadsheets In Python,
2:39 which to be fair did really well as far as the traffic, you can generate far more traffic in much less time
2:45 simply by repackaging a lot of the content in slightly different ways.
2:49 Now of course, you're not going to copy the exact same text into a new blog post, but there should be less concerns about the creativity
2:58 and more just sitting down getting the work done, doing it, rewriting the same code on a different programming language
3:03 or generating a video that uses that same code, there's three different blog posts, consider those three different slices of a turkey;
3:10 you've got a whole turkey and it's just a matter of how you slice that up into different blog posts, videos,
3:14 you can even use this with technical talks, workshops. Turkey carving is really useful for saying what's the hard part
3:20 and how do I do the hard part and then repackage it in many different ways for many different audiences,
3:26 which should be easier than coming up with a brand new idea and writing an entirely new code base,
3:31 every single time you want to write another blog post. So that is turkey carving, and you may want to try that for your own application
3:37 when you're thinking about how to market it.

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