#100DaysOfCode in Python Transcripts
Chapter: Days 61-63: Using the Github API with Python
Lecture: Second day: examples / get practice

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0:00 Welcome back to the second day of the Github API project and today it's your turn to start using the API with Python to build
0:10 something practical, something usable, something you like. We've done a couple of code challenges on the PyBites blogs that are related.
0:18 One was to query your favorite API. And one of the submissions was building a Github profiler that takes a user name
0:27 and returns a nice profile page using Flask. That could be a nice use case here. Secondly, there was Oktoberfest, by Digital Ocean last October,
0:39 and you could get a t-shirt if you made four pull requests, and obviously the Github API was used to measure the amount of pull requests
0:48 so we made a challenge to use bottle to replicate that application, and although that it's not running anymore,
0:56 it's still a cool app to query the amount of pull requests a user makes during a certain period, so that could be another thing to work on.
1:05 Then I want to highlight co-challenges. Our platform that uses to Githun API to log in users and we have a dedicated button.
1:15 And I'm already logged in with Github as you saw in the previous lesson. And another feature for example
1:21 is the whole integration of our blog challenges. The flow is like write up, setup with git, total whole process of making your branch,
1:31 and finally you can submit your work. And if you do a PR, we used to get API to reach out to your branch and see if you
1:39 actually committed Python fouls, which in this case I did not, not yet. And this again is integrating the Github API
1:46 into our web application, so that's another example. And that's it, that's those are a few ideas, and be creative, remember this is great stuff
1:56 to show in your Github profile, so have fun and learn a lot.

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