HTMX + Flask: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Feature 2: Active search
Lecture: Searching as they type with htmx
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So we've got this basic input field that we ask users to search by typing in Of course it does nothing yet because we haven't done our htmx
magic. Again, to do htmx, we do hx and then, what? The first thing we want to do is we want to do GET
and this is gonna be /videos/search and then we have to have an hx-trigger. What is going to cause this to happen and then gonna
be a key up changed delay 250. So let's break this apart key up is basically as they release the keys as they
type. So if we did just this that would totally work. But it would be very spastic. It would be every single keystroke would be going to
the server and results will be coming back and it would be totally crazy. Instead we're going to have changed and a delay.
The delay means you can type as much as you want, but it will only go
to the server if you stop for a quarter second between your typing that may be you've
only typed part of it and you're thinking and you'll see some results come in and
you'll type some more and the results will update or it could be you typed really
quick and then boom, the results show up but it won't every single keystroke start hammering the server and giving some weird experience.
The other one is not every keystroke actually results in different data being sent to the
server. So if I press the letter A and then letter B those keystrokes should have some kind of effect.
Right? I could have searched for absolute or whatever. However if I use the right arrow and the left arrow key that's not changing
the content of that text box. We don't want to rerun the same search over and over just because you're mousing around
or arrowing around inside there. So change means there has to both be a keyup and the result has to have changed the contents of the text box and it
has to wait for 250 milliseconds then rerun the search. And then the last thing is hx-target and here we put the CSS selector of
where the results go which is search/results that will do it. I think. It's going to do something really weird.
It's not gonna come out well, but it's gonna, I think it's going to do it.
Let's give it a try, refresh it here and now let me type something like apple.
That's weird, lool at that I could type inside myself it's like inception for search and so on. We could put indycar or whatever and now we're getting
the results and hear what in the world is this? Well remember we're going to this URL For the page,
the entire page right let's get rid of the search thing. It's not really participating. We go here and then we said our target, our
GET is /video/search. That's the same thing. How is this ever gonna work? Right. So if I put apple here, it's gonna say great, I went there,
the page that came back is the entire website and it jammed it in there.
So what we need to do is we need to differentiate between somebody coming like this and somebody coming there by through htmx.
Now you might say, we'll just make two views that are basically the same, but one returns a partial and one doesn't, we can do that and that's fine,
but we're also going to need to deal with this search_text=apple deep linking things. So we want to kind of process it in both places anyway,
so really what happens is it's identical code. The only different choice is what is being sent back.
We're going to need to change that over on the server, here. Now, when this request comes in directly from the browser,
it's just a standard old request, but when it comes in differently when it comes in from htmx, htmx says you might need to treat this separately,
you might need to treat it differently. To enable us to do that, they actually put a header in the request, so they put a header over and we
can check is this an htmx request? So we'll say something like if vm.is_htmx_request, which we don't have, then return something else.
Let's return something real simple. Like we'll just say how many videos there are for
the moment. That's not really helping them because we got to actually render them, but well we got to create some more HTML to make that happen. Now,
what about this? Let's go over here, and you might say, well let's put it into the search model, but we have this cool base class and
it's very likely other parts of our site in the future will also possibly need to make the same decision. So let's go down into here.
Well say something like this self.is_htmx_request. And then what we need to do is ask if there's a certain string in
flask.request.headers. We don't care what its value is. Just, is this header present? and that header text or the header keyword key is
HX-Request capitalized like this. So if htmx makes a request, it's going to also add this header to say,
hey, this is just coming from us in case you need to do something different than normal. So we're going to try to use that here. When a request comes
in like this, we're going to give them a different set of HTML. In this case, incredibly simple HTML rather than rendering the entire page back.
Let's try again. So we refresh this page come over here and let's just type apple. Oh, something has gone wrong,
ah we expected a dictionary, that's right because the way that this is set up we need to return something like this flask.make_response, there we go.
So we had to call flask.make_response. But you know, there are four videos. How about racing? How many videos are there on that?
How about indycar? two videos on indycar, Python? six videos on Python. Now we're not rendering the results, but we're doing the search
and we're sending it back actively. It does that delay and it does change, freeze the arrow keys.
Although I guess we can't really tell you would see the at least back here, you would see there are no more changes.
So you see those are not moving by but check it out down here, you can actually see the request coming in as a query string.
You see py, py, Python, all the stuff that's coming in indy, indycar, racing, racing, that's how it's communicating back to the server.
So it's exactly matching what we already set up here, and it's sending the header over
so we know to treat it differently and just send that little bit back and not do that crazy inception thing.
This is pretty awesome. We're super, super close, we just need a little more HTML to make this look real.