MongoDB with Async Python Transcripts
Chapter: Foundations: Pydantic
Lecture: Built on Pydantic

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0:00 Let's survey the landscape of things that use Pydantic. Pydantic is awesome on its own and you can use it in even say web frameworks that have
0:10 no idea what Pydantic is and have no dependency on it. Like a Flask website that exchanges JSON, you could manually use Pydantic.
0:20 But there are many frameworks out there that are Pydantic at their core. So let's talk about a couple of those.
0:28 We have Beanie, obviously one of the centerpieces of this course, right? That's how we're modeling our data in MongoDB and doing our queries.
0:37 All of those models are based on Pydantic. So Pydantic is at the very center of working with MongoDB using Beanie.
0:47 We also have in the relational side, we're not going to use in this course for sure because MongoDB is not a RDBMS.
0:55 We have SQL model and SQL model is basically take SQL alchemy and replace the SQL alchemy models with Pydantic models and then that's more or less it.
1:08 But really really cool that you have these nice Pydantic models to model your data in relational databases such as Postgres or SQLite.
1:18 This is also created by Sebastian Ramirez, the creator of FastAPI. Speaking of FastAPI, FastAPI is the most well known use case for pydantic.
1:31 And it plugs right into the API data exchange in super clever ways.
1:38 Here is a pydantic class modeling an item, I guess, and that's what we're calling it as a name, a description, a price and a tax.
1:47 We're going to get into this, but the name is a string and the price is a float and they
1:52 have to be a float or parsable as a float in the data exchange for this to be valid.
1:57 If we want to say we're going to have an API endpoint, and that API endpoint accepts a JSON
2:05 post body or something like that, that has a name, description, price and tax, and we want to
2:10 automatically convert that, well, all we have to do is create a function here we have create item,
2:16 and it's just a post operation to slash items. And look in the parameter here, it just says
2:22 we take an item of type item and FastAPI will say I see what's coming in. This is the pedantic
2:28 model. And we're going to use that pedantic model to parse and validate the JSON coming in.
2:33 So FastAPI, absolutely pedantic at the core. There's many other uses for the pedantic models
2:39 here as well, such as response model for open API documentation, but not a class on fast
2:45 API. So we're not getting into that. But right here, specifying the type as a pedantic model
2:52 is not just a hint to the editor, it changes how FastAPI processes the response that comes
2:58 to it. That was a bunch of awesome projects built on top of pedantic, right? Well, let's
3:06 Let's look at an awesome list to round out this small section here. Over on GitHub, we can find
3:18 It's a curated list of awesome things related to, well, Pydantic.
3:22 You can scroll through here and there's things on machine learning that are based on Pydantic. You can go down here and locate.
3:29 There's Beanie, but also Piccolo, which is an async query builder in ORM, which can auto-generate
3:34 Pydantic models from database tables, or gigantic Pydantic model support for Django or HTTP
3:43 runner, which is a HTTP testing framework, strawberry graph, and so on.
3:49 I'm not going to go through this whole list, just kind of scroll through it here. There's a bunch more awesome things to find around Pydantic.
3:56 And if you know one that's not on the list, do these folks a favor and submit a PR.

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