HTMX + Flask: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Introduction to the course

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0:00 Welcome to htmx and Flask, Modern Python web applications hold the JavaScript. If you're building rich interactive web applications,
0:11 you might think you must use lots of JavaScript on the frontend. Your choices are not whether or not to use javascript,
0:18 they are: should I use VueJS or React or some other framework that is going to come out in six months. In this class, we're going to talk about htmx.
0:29 This is a really cool JavaScript library, that is basically the last bit of JavaScript that we need for many amazing interactive features
0:38 on our website. So instead of working with these rich JavaScript frameworks like Vue or React and then following the conclusion that well,
0:48 if you're doing almost all the work in JavaScript on the front end and you're just barely talking to the backend,
0:55 maybe the back end should just be NodeJS or a bunch of static files, talking to cloud lambda functions or something like that.
1:02 You know, what we're going to say is let's reverse that. Let's put the emphasis back on the server-side where we can write richer code in
1:10 a variety of languages and technologies. In our case, of course, Python and Flask. And we're going to include htmx in our page, and it will turn on a
1:20 bunch of features, but those features are driven by the server-side. We'll use cool little
1:26 HTML attributes to say this page or this part of the page is driven by this thing on the server and htmx takes it from there.
1:34 There's almost no JavaScript to write to get very, very similar behaviors, but you can choose any technology that you like.
1:42 We're also going to see some really cool libraries, some open source libraries that I created for both Jinja and the Chameleon temple language in
1:50 Python that allow us to create composable, reusable elements of HTML. This turns out to be incredibly useful for Python web applications in general,
2:00 but it's extremely helpful for the way htmx works as you'll see. So if you've been looking to create interactive dynamic web pages,
2:09 kind of like you would with Vue or React, but you really don't want to switch your entire tech stack over to JavaScript,
2:15 you want to keep doing Python with Flask or Django or one of these server-side frameworks, but get the same outcome.
2:22 Well, htmx is going to be extremely exciting for you, and I think you're gonna love this technology. Let's get into it.

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