Full Web Apps with FastAPI Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion and review
Lecture: Our first site, a minimal FastAPI website
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The first major thing that we covered was, how do we get started with FastAPI? Let's build the absolute most minimalistic web application,
not just API endpoint, but web application with FastAPI. And the fact that it fits in that square
grey box that we're about to light up, that tells you, it's not too complicated, is it? So we're gonna need two things to get started.
We've gotta import fastapi so we can use it. And then, in order to run the application created with FastAPI, we need a web server.
So we're gonna use uvicorn, which is a fantastic, production grade, ASGI, Asynchronous Web Service
Gateway Interface Server. We start by creating an app instance from the FastAPI, our FastAPI instance. I'm calling it app here,
sometimes it's called api, sometimes it's called app. Doesn't really matter as long as
you're consistent. Then we define a function that's gonna be called for a given URL when we request it with a web browser. So we say app.get("/").
That means if we do a basic normal HTTP request against the, just the server. This is what's going to run, not a POST or other HTTP verbs, just a GET
standard web request. And then, in here, we're going to generate a message very, very simple in this case, we just have a header that says "Hello
web!". Now remember, if we return just the string by itself, return "<h1>..." and so on, FastAPI
is an API framework first, with this ability to do HTML second. So if we did it that way, we would get a JSONResponse, which has a string "Hello,
web!". That's not at all what we want. We wanna have a web page, not an API response,
right? So we're gonna use one of the specialized responses, it really comes from Starlette, but we'll find that under fastapi.responses.htmlResponse.
Doing it this way, we tell the web browser what you're getting back is a web page, not some JSON data exchange. This is gonna be our home page here.
Not very impressive as you saw it when we got started, but we built on it throughout the course, and then finally, in order to run our application,
unlike Flask, you can't say app.run(). Instead, you say uvicorn.run(), and then, if you'd like, you can specify the host and the port.
The port defaults to 8000. The host, I believe, defaults to or listen on the Internet. Not a big fan of that,
so I'll just listen on localhost here.