HTMX + Flask: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Feature 1: Click-to-edit
Lecture: Concept: Showing the edit UI

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0:00 Before we got to htmx, we just had the form to add a new video just jammed at the bottom of the page.
0:06 And yeah sure we could have added an admin section that was like a parallel oh
0:11 here you can admit a category and navigate in there, or you could be in a category and just look at it.
0:16 I really like the fact that you can kind of edit it live right there, you're in there, just I'm in a category, I want to add something click to add,
0:23 that's great. However, having a huge form stuck at the bottom was a real drag. So we used htmx to add a tiny little plus icon and a
0:32 add a video bit at the bottom that was really subtle, and if you want to add it, you click it and right
0:37 there the form just fades in, and you can add the video. How do we do that? Well we have to go to the server and get
0:44 the form HTML, remember? that's the core way that htmx works. It's really about
0:49 adding attributes that allow you to on demand or on some trigger pull fragments of HTML from the server and then replace parts of the page with that.
1:00 So what we did is we said we're gonna do a GET to a URL when somebody interacts with this, when they click it.
1:07 So hx-get and we could come up with whatever URL we wanted. We said video/add/{{ cat_name}}.
1:14 That might be strange because we already had that as the destination for our form. But remember, Flask separates requests by HTTP verb.
1:22 So this is going to the GET one we wrote and the form submission was going to
1:26 the POST which worked out pretty well because actually the data exchange was basically the same. When this HTML fragment comes back,
1:33 what do we do? We want to swap out this hyperlink. We want to completely get rid of it and replace it with whatever the server gave
1:39 us, which we know will be the form. So we do a swap on outerHTML, and we also say swap: .25s,
1:47 make it fade out. We also had to have that class there to make that happen. That was it. Instead of just having the form on the page,
1:54 we do this very simple thing to say. Here's the URL to get the form in a smooth, classy fade in fade out way, when the user wants it.
2:01 Otherwise just have a hyper link on the page, beautiful.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon