The Everything Bundle (2024 Q4)

Course bundle: The Everything Bundle (2024 Q4)
Lifetime access to every course currently in our library or launched before October 2025, period (includes Talk Python To Me [Pro Edition]).

Bundle pricing over time: Renew and save

Year 1
Buy the Everything Bundle and get the entire back catalog of courses and upcoming courses for one year.
Year 2
Entire catalog plus one more year of course updates (save 33%).
Year 3+
Entire catalog plus one more year of course updates at an even bigger discount (save 50%).
Discounts apply even if you have "gaps" between subsequent bundles.
Wait, what's the deal with renewals if this is own-it-forever? Glad you asked!

Courses in this bundle ( $1,930 value )

Course: NLP with spaCy
2.4 hours
Course: Python Type Hints
4.5 hours
Course: HTMX + Django
1.7 hours
Course: HTMX + Flask
3.0 hours
Course: Effective PyCharm
7.3 hours
Course: MongoDB Quickstart
2.0 hours
Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon