Visual Studio Code for Python Developers Transcripts
Chapter: Running and Debugging
Lecture: Diving into Breakpoints
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Now, let's take a second to talk about breakpoints and explore some of the interesting options that Visual Studio Code
offers to make working with them a little bit nicer. As you saw in a previous video, we can use breakpoints to pause the execution of
our debugging session at any point in our program where we want to expect and
see the state of any of the variables or functions we have inside of our application. Here, I'm going to set a breakpoint inside of the status router.
What I'm going to do now is I'm going to open up that sample.actp file, and I'm going to make a request to status.
As you can see, the breakpoint stopped before running the current line that I set the breakpoint at. But at this point, I can check and see
the state of any of those variables that are inside of here. For instance, I can look at the status code, and I can see, well,
it's actually not set to anything yet. But once I step over it, notice my application is still paused, and I can check and see now this is set to 200.
Right? I can go ahead and keep my application running. Now, not only does breakpoints allow me to pause the execution of my function,
but inside of Visual Studio Code, we actually have a breakpoints view. So inside of the debug section, I can open up the breakpoints view,
and now I can see all the breakpoints that are set. I can even click on those breakpoint listings,
and it'll take me to the exact file and line where that breakpoint was placed.
Within the same view, I have the option to edit any of these breakpoints, or I can even remove them if I don't want to use them anymore.
I can add new breakpoints using this plus button, or I can toggle on or off those active breakpoints for my current debugging session.
Now, while that seems pretty straightforward, there's a lot of other interesting things that we can do as well.
I'm going to set this breakpoint back to where it was before. Now, on this breakpoint, I'm going to right-click on it, and if we zoom in a little bit,
you can notice that I have an edit breakpoint option. When I click on edit breakpoint, notice now, I can set what's called a conditional breakpoint.
Conditional breakpoints allow me to pause the execution when a particular condition is met. As an example here, I can do it based on a hit count.
A hit count would be, hey, if this thing hits this particular breakpoint n number of times, maybe it's four times or five times or six times,
at that point, then I want you to pause it, or I want you to pause based on the value of an expression. Let's take a look at the expression one.
I'm going to say i is equal to 10. I'm just going to make up an arbitrary variable and value. I'm going to hit enter. Notice there's no i here.
I'm just going to set i is equal to 10 here at the top. Oops, that's my mistake. This should be i single equals to 10.
What that should be able to do now is if I go ahead and start my debugging session again. Remember, I set this to break only when i is equal to 10.
I'm going to run this request. I notice the breakpoint is stopping because, well, condition i is equal to 10, obviously.
Let's go ahead and I'm going to change that to 11. I'll restart my debugging session. But now if I go ahead and I execute this status request,
it should not break at all because, again, even though my breakpoint is set, it's not going to meet the condition because i is no longer equal to 10.
Obviously, this is a very simple use case. You can change it for whatever condition you want. Maybe you want to set a condition where the
incoming request is equal to a certain value and you want to stop at that point.
Or whatever other variable is in scope, you might want to break whenever that condition is true or not. Now, let's go ahead and stop this.
Let's take a look at the hit count one. So let's say maybe, no, I don't want to remove it. I can right click. I want to edit this breakpoint.
I'm going to change this now to hit count. And let's say I want this, you know, every time the hit count is three, right?
So when it reaches three, I want it to hit or I want it to stop at this breakpoint.
So starting the debug session again so we can see what happens here. Now my application should be running. I'm going to head back over to sample.http.
Now I'll issue my request for status. One, didn't stop. Two, didn't stop. Three, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding. We got a winner.
So notice, again, our condition was I needed to stop when the hit count is equal to three. So now notice that it stops here.
Now I can stop my debugging session. I can remove my debug breakpoint from here.
Or I can even come inside of the debug window inside of the debug view. And I can exit out from here if I wanted to.
But now you can see some of the different options you have when it comes to working with breakpoints inside of Visual Studio Code
and how you could use conditional breakpointing to set the specific conditions you want to inspect in your debugging session.