Secure APIs with FastAPI and the Microsoft Identity Platform Transcripts
Chapter: JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication
Lecture: The anatomy of JWTs and token validation
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In the previous module, we looked at the inherent benefits of JWT's or Json
web tokens. In this module we'll look at a typical access token used by API's like our FastAPI to authorize access.
There are two parties involved in an access token request the client who requests the token
and the resource I the API that accepts the token when the API is called the audience claim that "aud" in a token indicates the resource.
The token is intended for its audience. Clients use the token but should not understand or attempt to parse it resources accept the
tokens. You can use a tool like to look at tokens and we've done this throughout this course, tokens consists of three parts the head,
the body and the signature. Over the next few minutes we're going to dive into
the individual claims so we can better understand how tokens work and what kind of information that relate to us. Let's start with the JWT header.
There are three claims in the header that TIP or type, which is always a string and should always be JWT which indicates that the token is
a JWT, ALG or algorithm, which is a string and indicates the algorithm used to sign the token. For example, RS 256 and finally the key ID or kid,
which again is the string and specifies the thumbprint for the public key that can be used to validate this document signature.
We will come back to the header and its significance in a bit. But for now let's jump to the talking body to take a look at the individual
claims here, We'll start with the version which is specific to azure active directory and
it is a string that indicates the version of the access token is a version one
and version two. And in most cases if you're writing applications today you will be using version 2.0. ISS for issuer,
which is the string and identifies the security token service.
That construction is the token And the Azure AD tenant in which the user was authenticated.
Your application can use the grid portion of the cling to restrict the set of tenants that can sign into the app if applicable,
sub or subject. This is the string that represents the principle about which the token asserts information such as the user or an application.
This value is immutable and cannot be reassigned or reused. It can be used to perform authorization checks safely,
such as when the token is used to access a resource and can be used as
a key in the database table because the subject is always present in the token that
Azure AD issues, we recommend using this value in the general purpose authorization system. The subject is however, a pair wise identifier.
It is unique to a particular application ID. Therefore, if a single user signs into two different applications using two different client id's
those apps will receive two different values for the subject claim. This may or may not be desirable depending on the architecture of your solution,
including the privacy requirements of your application, AUD or audience. This string identifies the intended recipient of the token its audience.
Your API must validate this value and reject the token if the value does'nt match. The next three values.
EXP, NBF and IAT are all integers that represent UNIX
timestamps. Most authentication libraries are designed to work with UNIX timestamps so you don't have
to worry about it. The EXP stands for expiration time and this claim
identifies the expiration time on or after which the JWT must not be accepted for processing
It's important to note that the resource may reject the token before this time as
well, Such as when a change in authentication is required or a token revocation has
been detected. IAT issued indicates when the authentication for this token occurred and NBF. Stands for Not Before.
And this claim identifies the time before which the JWT must not be accepted for processing
Name this is string and provides a human readable value that identifies the subject of the token. This value however, is not guaranteed to be unique.
It is totally mutable and it is designed to be used only for display purposes. The profile scope is required in order to receive this claim.
So when you request a token, you need to include the profile scope in order to receive this value back and users
do and have the ability to change their name therefore, and should not be used for uniquely identifying users for the preferred user name.
This again represents the user. It could be an email address or phone number or a genetic user name without the specified format.
This value is also mutable and my change over time and since it is mutable, this value must not be used to make authorization decisions.
OID. Or Object ID. The immutable identifier for the principle of the request the user or the service principal whose identity has been identified
in ID. Tokens and app end user tokens. This is the object idea of the user and in app only tokens.
This is the object ID of the calling service principle. The service principal is a cloud account.
It can also be used to perform authorization checks safely as a key in database tables
The identity uniquely identifies the principal across multiple applications.
So unlike the subject claim, which is unique to an application inside an azure active
directory, tenant. the object ID is unique to the user across multiple applications inside the same azure active directory tenants.
So someone with address will always have the same object
ID. No matter which application they're signing into. TID or Tenant ID represents the tenant that the user is signing into.
also notice that tenant id is part of the issuer claim which we covered earlier on
for work and school accounts. The tid is the immutable tenant of the organization that
the user signing into. For signings with the personal marks of the account tenant. For services such as Xbox themes for life or outlook.
The value is always consistent is always the same. To receive this claim. Your app must request the profile scope.
The nonce value is a value generated at the time that you request the access token
and the value needs to be the same between the request and the response. If it isn't the same then your token has been compromised.
AIO. Is an opaque claim amused by attractive director to record data for token reviews and in addition we have the SCP or scope is a space separated
list of scopes. The set of scopes exposed by your application for which the client application has requested and received consent.
Your app like our FastAPI should verify that these scopes are valid and make authorization decisions based on the value of the scopes roles,
which is another scope that contains a list of permissions.
The set of permissions exposed by your application that the requesting application or user has been given permission to call for application tokens.
This is used in the client credential flow in place of user scopes and we saw that when we build our console app.
However, for user tokens this is populated with the roles that the user was assigned
to on the target application. Let's talk a little bit about access token and lifecycle
The default lifetime for an access token is variable. When issued and access tokens default lifetime
is assigned a random value between 60 and 90 minutes 75 minutes is usually the average
variation improves service resiliency by spreading access talking demand over a period of 60-90 minutes which
prevents hourly spikes in traffic to the identity provider. But you can also adjust the lifetime often access token to control how often your client
applications expire the application session and how often it requires the user to re authenticate either
silently or interactively. So what does it take to validate tokens?
Well, first of all not all applications should validate tokens only in specific scenarios.
Should your applications validated tokens. For web api you must validate access tokens sent by the
client. They must only accept tokens that contain their audience claim or confidential Web apps like a asp core or java, you must validate ID.
Tokens sent to them via the user's browser before allowing access to a user's data or establishing a session. If none of the above scenarios apply,
your application will not really benefit from validating the token and may present a security and
reliability risk If decisions are made based on the validity of the tokens.
Public clients like native apps or single page apps don't benefit from validating tokens. The app communicates directly with the identity provider.
So ssl protection ensures that the tokens are valid. api's. And web apps must only validate tokens that have an audience
claim that matches their application. Other resources may have custom token validation rules.
For example, tokens for Microsoft Graph one validate according to these rules due to their
proprietary format validating and accepting tokens meant for another resource is an example of confused deputy
problem. If your application needs to validate an ID. Token or an access token according to the above scenarios,
then your app should first validate the tokens signature and issuer against the values in the open ID discovery document So validating the signature.
That's where we start tokens issued by Azure Active Directory are signed using industry standard. Asymmetric encryption algorithms such as RS 256.
The header of the JWT contains information about the key and encryption method used to sign
the token. The ALG claim indicates the algorithm that was used to sign the token
The key id claim indicates the particular public key that was used to validate the token
And this is important because at any given point Microsoft can sign the token using
any random set of public private key pairs and azure AD also rotates the possible set of keys on a periodic basis.
So in case you're wondering how this works with your authentication code,
the signing key data necessary to validate the signature using the open ID connect metadata document can be found in this URL.
The important bit of information in this Json document when it comes to token validation is that jwks_uri value,
which points to the set of public is used by Azure Active Directory to sign tokens
at the time of sending the request the Json word keys abides to a standard format as described in RFC 7517. If you're curious to find more about it,
the authentication library can use the key ID. claims in the JWT header to retrieve the public key that corresponds to the private
key that has been used to sign the token. It can then do signature validation using the correct public key and the indicated algorithm.
However, unless you build your own authentication library, this is not something you'll need to implement yourself or FastAPI.
The FastAPI Microsoft identity library performs all these checks for you so that you focus on building the business logic for your solution.