Python for .NET Developers Transcripts
Chapter: Course conclusion
Lecture: Deployment review

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0:00 We created our web app we hooked it up to a database but web apps are super not fun if no one uses them. You have to put them on the Internet.
0:08 So we talked about different ways in which we could host our web application. Get our own hardware post it on some kind of platform as a service
0:16 like Azure or Heroku. But what we ended up doing for our demo is actually setting up from scratch a bare Linux machine to be a proper web server
0:25 so it has an Nginx front-end web server This handles HTTPS, static files and then delegates over to uWSGI for the Python code execution.
0:35 And uWSGI itself is running in this master mode which means that we have a bunch of different processes that it is over seeing
0:43 and that's where our Python code actually runs. It's not entirely obvious how to do this from scratch if you've never done it before
0:51 but once you have one of those scripts or couple scripts and a couple of configuration files to work from
0:56 you'll see this is actually really easy to run and maintain Linux servers, just like this.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon