Python for .NET Developers Transcripts
Chapter: Deploying Python web apps
Lecture: nginx, you public facing web server
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Well it's awesome that we got uWSGI working. But uWSGI is not appropriate for serving public-facing requests. I don't think it does SSL.
It doesn't handle static files very well. So we want a proper public-facing web service web server and that's going to be Nginx.
We've already installed it but we could always just double check over here. Says yep, it's there.
There's also this other random message we keep getting so I'm going to make that go away. So what we're going to do is we're going to disable
first I guess we could enable Nginx all together so that's going to start it up and let's just make sure it's good. We can say service nginx restart.
And what was our IP address over here? Let's go exit and I can come back. Be easy to copy. What happens if we request that URL?
Woo-Hoo, welcome to Nginx. You have a proper web server. Now go set it up. So this is like welcome to your IS website, right. This is just the empty
not configured thing. I don't want it to say that. So I'm going to delete that setting for handling random arbitrary sites over here, like so.
Let's see if it still says that. I'm actually not sure what it's going to say but, yeah, it's not happy. It's not listening.
That's good cause we don't want you listening to that one. Instead we want it to listen according to this. So here's the Nginx configuration file.
Want to start out by listing it on just HTTP. I'm going to listen to that domain but I believe it'll catch everything
if you have just one empty domain set up. We're going to map the static files so slash static is going to go to this folder, right.
This is the static folder of our web app we're trying to deploy and it's going to be cache for a year. Otherwise, we're just going to pass the URI
over to this thing which says we're going to just call basically pass it over to uWSGI and let it deal with it along with turning on GZip responses
including uWSGI parameters so they can play nicer. In order to make this work it's much like we had before. We just copy that config file over to
sites enabled guitary.nginx Let's try that. Here we go. service restart Now what do we get? Ta-Daa. It's beautiful. That really makes me happy.
It looks good, right? So we have it working, this is port 80 there's obviously an implicit 80 but the important thing to notice
is that it's not port 5000. In fact, if we try to go to port 5000 you can bet that that's going to time out because it's closed on the firewall
we're not listening to it all that kind of stuff. It didn't go there. We can check out the guitars and man, this site is flyin. Very, very quick.
If we go back over here and look you can see put that away and do some more clickin there you go. You can see the requests comin in.
I was trying to get fav icon but you know, that's a losing battle. We should probably put one in but. Anyway, guitars aug guitars acoustic and so on.
What's the response time? Zero. Holy moly, zero milliseconds. This one apparently was 16 milliseconds but this is some ridiculous performance.
Remember this is a $5 server this is not that big of a server. All right, well it looks like Guitari's up and running on port 80.
This is actually great.