Python for .NET Developers Transcripts
Chapter: Computational notebooks
Lecture: Notebooks from PyCharm

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0:00 Now if you like the idea of these notebooks but you've become accustomed to PyCharm and you want to stay there, it turns out
0:07 there's a really nice way to work with them in PyCharm. Watch this. We'll go over here, here's our domain authority
0:14 notebook we had, we open it, and look at this it's just over here running, like so. We have this split view. We can view just the output like this.
0:26 We can go here, we can even rerun it. As we'll see, you can see it in this kind of half, half mode. I'll hid the project, 'cause really we're just
0:34 going to focus on that here right? And I can come over here and say I want to run, notice I can just write standard import statements.
0:41 But I'm going to run this, actually this is not necessary and apparently that is not either? Yeah, it's not, 'cause we're actually using feedparser.
0:50 So look, it already gave me some help to say those imports were not used. But let's run it and see what happens. I just open and hit Alt + Enter
0:56 and it's now starting a Jupyter Notebook right there for us. Okay, we don't have to work with it or do anything, you can see the server log
1:05 and how you get to it if you want but you don't even need to go to the browser. That part ran, and we can come down here
1:12 and we could just start making our way along run this, run our output notice right here get our Python bytes, and check this out.
1:19 Let's go to just this view. We haven't done anything in the debugger in PyCharm I don't believe, but the debugger is killer
1:27 and look at this, as you go through it you hit these breakpoints and stuff it actually shows the variables, and then their value.
1:34 And if the values change, these actually change color as non-select, this is not text that I can select it's just a visualization as I go through.
1:43 I could just run everything. We'll go down, you can see all the data coming out. Is that cool or what? You see all the pieces, right?
1:50 You can already see what the values are there. And then let's go back and look at the actual output there it is. Looks a little weird in dark mode
1:59 but nonetheless, I really like this way. You can even upload it to their hosted cloud thing called Datalore, is what I think that is.
2:06 It gives you some help on all the things you can do insert new cells, but notice it's using this editor that we can just type through.
2:15 So if you prefer more of a code editor style you can do that right in here and just seamlessly move through, Ctrl + Enter still runs everything
2:23 and so on. So if you're a fan of PyCharm and you want to stay in it this is pretty cool. Look, it's using the right environment
2:29 it's running on the server, all kinds of cool stuff.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon