Python for .NET Developers Transcripts
Chapter: Package management and external libraries
Lecture: PyPI: Python's NuGet

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0:00 As I hinted at before NuGet changed the way you work in .NET. All of a sudden, there are many, many libraries
0:09 and I mean many. When I took this screenshot to put this presentation together a few days ago there was 174,000 unique packages or libraries available
0:19 and you can just go to Visual Studio check a few boxes, and boom, you've got them added to your app and you always get the right version
0:25 and it made such a huge difference for working in .NET. If you're going to come over to Python
0:30 you're going to want to make sure there's something like this. 172,000 packages, that is killer. To be fair, a ton of those-- not a ton
0:39 a lot of those are Microsoft library packages like I hinted at in EntityFramework and EntityFramework Core and that kind of stuff
0:45 cause a lot of .NET itself is even delivered through this mechanism but there's many, many, many of those
0:49 that are third-party libraries you can bring in like or something like that and work with it within your application
0:56 just almost as easy as right-click, add reference. Just right-click, manage NuGet packages. So if you're going to come to Python
1:04 it would be really nice if Python had something kind of like this, right? Some way to say I want to use these libraries
1:10 make sure they're part of my project keep them in sync. If there's an update, tell me that there is and give me a mechanism to get the latest.
1:18 Well, luckily, Python has something completely awesome PyPI, Python Package Index. And PyPI has a bunch of libraries. You saw how cool NuGet was?
1:30 Check this out, 199,000 packages. Actually, since I took this screenshot but before I pressed record it's surpassed 200,000 packages.
1:39 There are so many libraries in Python. I think this is one of the most exciting parts of this course because so far
1:46 we've been working with the language. .NET's great, but where the true magic is where the special stuff happens is when you start to build
1:53 out of these other libraries. All of a sudden we can talk to databases and call web APIs and build websites and applications
2:00 and all these types of things and this all comes from these external libraries we can bring into our applications. So NuGet is awesome.
2:07 PyPI, I think, is even a little bit more awesome. It has more packages. Python itself is not delivered this way
2:14 so this number is maybe a slightly bigger gap as I hinted. Final word on the pronunciation. Some folks say pie-pie.
2:22 Alright? Py and then the PI is like the math pi so you say pie, people say pie-pie. It's not pie-pie. It's pie-P-I, Python Package Index.
2:34 How can I say that with confidence and not go, well, maybe I just say it differently? Maybe I just have a different opinion.
2:39 Hmm, the Talk Python to Me podcast I've interviewed Guido van Rossum the creator of Python. I've interviewed several times the people
2:45 who have created and continue to run this website here. And I ask those people who run the website and Guido just use the words
2:53 ask them, how do you say this the letters P-Y-P-I, in your world, how do you pronounce it?
3:00 Pie-P-I, just so you know when you're talking to other folks.

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