Python for .NET Developers Transcripts
Chapter: OOP: Object-Oriented Python
Lecture: Car methods

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0:00 Well, our car is interesting. It has these properties, right. We saw that it has base price models cylinder and engine type.
0:08 But you can't really do anything with it. We can construct one through its initializer but classes typically are valuable
0:14 because they bundle data and behavior together. Right now we just have data. So let's go and add a method here.
0:21 So again, we're going to make the method part of the class by just indenting it within the class. And then we're going to say def
0:29 and we have two methods we want to define we want to define drive, and we're going to define refuel.
0:33 Now watch what happens when I close the parenthesis here or open it to start defining the parameters.
0:39 As I open, notice it, PyCharm, automatically types self. Because this is an instance method it can only be called
0:47 if it has this explicit self parameter. That takes a little bit getting used to but it's not hard, it's just different, okay.
0:54 Then down here we're going to have a little print statement. We're going to say the car, say this is from the car the whatever, self.model_name
1:04 goes vroom and let's tell PyCharm that is not misspelled. We're going to have another one refuel. Same thing we have our self here
1:11 and we have a print statement. Actually on this one, let's just pass for now. Remember this one is going to be the abstract
1:16 one that we don't know how to deal with. Say it's blank, this is like the equivalent of just empty so I use the word pass.
1:24 I know something has to go here for this syntax to work but I don't care what it is, ignore it. Go over here and instead of doing this
1:31 let's say and notice it has this function here. And car.refuel, okay. Run it again. Yay, the car, the Corvette goes vroom
1:44 the Windstar goes vroom, the Tesla goes vroom the Volt goes vroom. Not super accurate, or really interesting but it does work, right.
1:51 Our cars are driving and they're refueling and let's put a little new line between them. Cool, so we've got these methods that we've created over here
2:01 and, right, we saw that they're super simple. just define a regular, like a function has the self as the first parameter.
2:08 If you don't put this there, if you put a, b, c notice it's yellow and the others are not and this is usually the first parameter is self.
2:17 You might be forgetting that you've you might want to put something there. So the tooling does help but you got to remember to do it.

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