Python for .NET Developers Transcripts
Chapter: The Python Language
Lecture: Concept: Python loops

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0:00 C# has the foreach loop. Python has the for in loop. So here's a list of numbers that we were working with we want to just loop through them
0:11 or any collection, anything that is iterable in Python's terms. We just say for n in nums: and then we work with n.
0:19 We just loop over a collection like objects. These can be lists or arrays. These can be strings these can actually be classes
0:29 that just implement the right interfaces and we can treat them like this. If you want the idx that goes along with an item in your for in loop
0:39 we just use enumerate. So, enumerate(nums, start=1) instead of just for n in nums. Then we have this tuple projection
0:48 we get a tuple back when we assign it to two variables its elements at two variables the idx and the n and here, we can say, we can work with the idx
0:55 n in each time through the loop. We also saw that Python does not have a numerical for loop but we can get back
1:03 to something really, really close to that, super easy. We can just say for i in range and we give it a range, zero to 100.
1:10 And that'll go from 0 to 99 stepping by one, right? And then, we just work with i and change things like the step and so on
1:17 so there's a lot of flexibility there. But there's no traditional for i = value i < such and such that you get from C#, C++, Java and so on.
1:28 Alright, that's it. Looping in Python is a joy.

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