Python for .NET Developers Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: What's built with Python?

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0:00 Being new to the Python space, you might wonder what can you build with Python? What apps are out there that you know of
0:07 that are actually built with Python? Maybe you don't know they're built with Python but yes, in fact, they are. So in this short section
0:14 I just want to give you a taste of what is out there and what is built with Python so you can think of it and reference what you want to build
0:21 and things that you're trying to do. When I think of companies that are impressive to me these days well Space X is absolutely among them.
0:29 What Elon Musk, and his team over there are doing to jump ahead of all these governments and just create true innovation in space.
0:37 It's blowing my mind, it's like we live in the future. And guess what? If you go over there, there are 92 different job positions
0:43 probably more jobs than that open for Python developers at Space X. They don't talk about exactly how they're using it
0:49 but I know that they're doing some amazing stuff there. Spotify. Spotify makes heavy use of Python for their web apps and APIs. NASA.
0:59 NASA uses Python for a lot of things. They did this montage of how we're going to reach the moon this new project that they're on.
1:06 And they had all these different people and engineers and they had one section where they were focusing on a awesome code that they were writing.
1:12 Yeah, that was Python code. Bitly, the URL shortening service. Bit Bucket. JP Morgan Chase. Some of these, Spotify, Bit Bucket
1:22 they got those like little start-ups and that there kind of thing. But enterprise stuff, what about that?
1:26 Well, JP Morgan Chase, they're core trading engine the central part of their bank is built in Python. In fact, 35 million lines of Python code that
1:37 JP Morgan Chase has doing super central stuff over there. Quora, Q&A site I love how rich and detailed the answers are over at Quora.
1:47 That site, you guessed it, Python. Disqus the way you can plug in the comments at the bottom of your blog or other webpages.
1:55 They talk a lot about how thy use Python and how they scale it. Really amazing. Instagram. Instagram does all sorts of stuff with their APIs
2:03 and their web apps in Python. They gave an amazing keynote at PyCon a couple years ago about what they're doing with Django and it's super impressive.
2:13 Read It. Front page of the internet, as they say sometimes. Read It is not only built in Python but there's an archival version of it
2:21 where you can get the source code for the Read It site and yeah they use tons of the technology that we're covering in this course. YouTube.
2:28 YouTube is built in Python and they get millions of requests per second. Per second. And it's built in Python, doing amazing stuff.
2:38 There's a mix to technologies over there but Python's central over at YouTube. PyPI, the Python packaging index is implemented in.
2:45 No surprise really there, Python. Pintrest. Pintrest is also Python and Django. PayPal. PayPal has some central APIs that do their pricing
2:56 their real-time pricing stuff and these APIs get called billions of times a day. They need super, super low latency response times
3:05 You know like, five milliseconds, that's a lot can we get that down to three type of response time. Python. Dropbox is almost entirely Python.
3:13 Both the stuff behind the scenes, as well as the client the little box icon that appears in your task bar or your menu bar, all that is Python.
3:20 They have millions of lines of Python making Dropbox possible. And finally, last but not least yeah, Talk Python.
3:27 The training site, our APIs, so much of what we do of course is built in Python and it's been serving us incredibly well
3:35 and it's going to continue I'm sure. Here are just some of the things that are built with or using Python deeply. These are amazing, right?
3:44 If it worked for them chances are Python's going to work awesome for you too. There's a quick little link here at the bottom.
3:50 This links over to the description of many of these different companies how they're using Python, and so on.
3:57 Not all of them, like Space X and JP Morgan they're not covered there. Well, neither is Talk Python I guess. But a lot of the other stuff covered here
4:03 they actually talked specifically about how they're using Python if you want to dig deeper and see what's going on.

Talk Python's Mastodon Michael Kennedy's Mastodon