Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Conclusion
Lecture: You've done it!

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0:01 That's it, the finish line here we are at the end of the course you have done it. You now possess many a PyCharms,
0:09 superpowers and there are many of them aren't there? So many people use PyCharm and just treat it the same as you would a
0:15 basic text editor but there's so much more to do so much more to offer And as you bring them together as you've seen,
0:22 it just makes you much more effective as a Python developer or data scientist. So let's review what you've learned. We started out talking about why
0:32 IDE's why use an application with all these features when you could just fire up Emacs or Vim. Well I think you've learned that lesson by now but there
0:40 are so many things are going to fill the screen to answer that question.
0:45 We saw that one of the main important things that PyCharm does is it understands
0:49 the entire project, not a single Python file but all of the files that make
0:54 up the project as well as the installed packages and so on because of that you
0:58 get so much more support and that support is more accurate like refactoring is not find and replace. Saw the editor is super,
1:06 super powerful. It has nice code completion theme in Pep 8 Linting support. It has built in source control visualization,
1:16 built in code coverage visualization, the code intentions to correct or improve your Python code and much much more.
1:25 The Source Control just gets better and better in PyCharm and now it's got deep
1:29 integration with Git hub so you can review your pull requests and your issues and conversations and check them out nice and easy.
1:36 So so many good things happening there. The Refactoring support is second to none.
1:41 Starting with PyCharm itself. But then along with some of the add ins like
1:44 socially and others we saw that we can do amazing refactories and quickly and safely move code. Rename code, extract variables inline variables,
1:53 create methods, push them between hierarchies in classes,
1:58 all those things and more. Very solid relational database support and even some Mongo DB support
2:03 We saw that we can connect the data source and then do queries against it Look at the table, look at diagrams,
2:10 all that good stuff. There's a full stack web engine back here. Remember people may tell you, oh I can't use PyCharm because I got to
2:17 do javascript and CSS too Yeah, guess what here's one of the best editors for that because it embeds WebStorm Debugging is really, really good.
2:25 My favorite feature of this, it shows the variables and their values and how they're changing in line on your code.
2:32 So you don't have to go try to correlate these things between some watch window or
2:36 something. You can just look right next to the variable and see whether it's changed what its value is and even change it right there,
2:42 Packaging is an important part of taking Python code and making it more shareable PyCharm
2:47 is good at both working with existing packages and has support for creating new ones.
2:51 We saw that, guessing where our code is slow and where's it's fast as humans We're not super good at that.
2:56 But with the Profiling tools we can measure and see exactly where our code is, spending his time and then make it faster where it counts,
3:05 Reliable software is tested software and with the test runner and the support for debugging individual
3:10 tests profiling via tests and code coverage and all that kind of stuff PyCharm makes testing easy.
3:14 It seems like we put a lot on the screen here but we're just touching the surface. There's a whole bunch of Additional little tools,
3:22 things like say the enhanced Python REPL or the terminal that pre configures itself that you
3:27 can use to work with your applications speaking of additional tools. If there is not one of the box that you like,
3:35 go grab some of the plug in, search the marketplace, grab a key map, grab some other refactoring plug in or file format plug in and your IDE.
3:43 Just got better. That's it, that is a ton of stuff that we have learned in this course. Hopefully enjoyed it.

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