Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Unit testing
Lecture: Testing failure conditions
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When we look at our code here, both the tests and the actual program itself. The library. This core library.
It really works well when you go down the specified path, I'm supposed to be able to go and see if there's a table get it.
I'm supposed to be able to book a table but it's missing all of its error
handling. And one thing that I've learned over time is that when people are new
to programming they just focus on getting it started making sure the thing is supposed to
do. It does. But the real difference of polished software is that it deals
with data that's not correct inputs that are not valid situations that didn't make sense.
Like trying to book a table that already has been booked or trying to book a table that doesn't exist or something like that.
So what we're gonna do is going to write two more tests that verify that we're checking for those things. So let's go over here and write a test.
The first one says you can't book a table that doesn't exist. We want this to respond in a meaningful way. How are we going to do that?
We're just gonna go down here and say core right? There's a book a table. And if you look at what this value here is supposed to be it's a string.
So we're gonna come down here and let's give it some ID. That's not going to work. Right? So obviously this should fail.
What's going to happen. How should it fail? Should it return none should it raise an exception. I'm gonna go with raises exception.
Right? That's a pretty Python equate to go. In fact, if we go down here and look at book a table notice there's
a integer not found table unavailable error and all those kinds of things to the error
handling. An exception support should be there for us to do this. Right? Let's give it a run and see what happens.
Uh It didn't pass what is what is going on here? All right. So what we got was it this failed? And why did it fail? But an attribute error?
This is probably the most common error in all the Python attribute or none. Type object has no attribute is booked. This is not a meaningful error.
This is just our code crashing halfway through its method. That's what we did is we had no table.
Then we tried to book it and obviously if it doesn't exist, this is going to crash. So what we need to do is actually write some
tests in our code to check for this. For example, we should say if not table. What do we do? Let's raise an entity not found error.
All right. So that will avoid. If there's no table us getting that attribute error here, let's try that. Okay, It's still crashed.
What's going on. Let's see. Oh, perfect. We did get this core attribute not found error, but why did it crash? Well,
this comes down to how we're writing our test. What's supposed to happen here in a normal test. If there's an exception that's a failure.
But in one of these negative error condition tests, that's exactly what we want is a failure.
If there's not an error, it's like a double negative of testing. So what we can do is we can come over here and now notice so far
we've not even used pytest but now we can start working with py tests for its extra features and we can create a context manager.
So we say with pytest raises and then you specify the type of exception. Then anything that happens in there.
If it leaves us with block without raising that error, that is a error. That's a failed test. So that that's the double negative. So now if we run it,
let's see what happens. Boom, it passes. This one passes. Why? Because we said it must raise an error and guess what it did.
Let's do one more of these negative tests and that is that. You cannot book a already booked table. They were down here again. Let's get a table.
We'll go down the course a all tables Bracket zero. I'll just give us the first one quote up,
book the table the table id and actually let's again just to make sure so we
can make sure that we're not going to get one that's already booked as we want to make sure this works smooth every time.
So we're going to book the table and then we want to try to book at a second time. So we'll go to the flow of somebody,
books it not us and then later table id just like before this should be an error. Let's say this time. We want a core table unavailable error.
We like that. Okay, so this should work pretty easy. Let's go ahead and do a little time to clean up, make it run it failed again.
Why did it fail? Because it didn't match the double negative this time it did not raise any error and it did not raise that one in particular.
So let's go back in and see what's going on here. Book a table again. Look, it seems like we might have just double booked it,
it was booked before and now it's still booked. So we don't want to let that happen. We're gonna say if table dot is booked,
raise that error, Run our tests again. Hey, that did it now are two negative scenarios in our two positive scenarios pass
right? We cannot book a book table. We cannot book a non existent table but we can book one and there are some that could be booked beautiful.