Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: PyCharm Projects
Lecture: Concept: Creating projects

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0:00 Let's review a couple of ideas of what we've covered. If we want to start a brand new project,
0:05 Really easy way to do that is to go over to PyCharm and click on the new project button, It opens a dialog and gives us tons of options.
0:13 You want a pure Python project or maybe a Djngo, Flask, Pyramid or even a Scientific analysis Python project. Each one has their own settings,
0:22 but often they come with the ability to create a new virtual environment or to add
0:26 an existing one. And you saw that we created a new virtual environment just like it's doing here. This list of project options is actually extensible.
0:35 If we installed for example, the 'Node.js' plug in, we would have 'electron.js' and other types of node applications that we could create as well
0:43 So you can add more through the hole plug in system will cover that at the end of the course. But this is what you get out of the box
0:49 Now, if you have an existing project, you want to open, the most universal way would be to go file, then open and then browse over there.
0:57 Or click the open button on the splash screen, which is basically the same thing. You can also go over here and hit open As the one I was talking about
1:07 And if you're on a Mac, you can grab the folder of it and drag and drop it onto the app icon
1:14 that will make it open it just the same way. Just little shortcut but it all basically the same process.

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