Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: Databases
Lecture: Your turn: Databases

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0:01 Databases are really front and center in PyCharm. We saw we can add existing databases to our database explorer
0:10 and use all sorts of cool tools against it and even have those schemas work with the editor itself.
0:17 So it's your turn to play with databases in PyCharm. Over here on github under 5-databases you'll see there's some steps to go through here.
0:28 First thing I am going to do is open an existing project which is database project, same folder right there
0:33 and then open this up and it will come with a folder and a SQLite file so we're going to start by opening this SQLite database in PyCharm
0:42 so we can explore it, and one of the important things that's going to happen here
0:47 is you may configure the drivers to actually understand SQLite for later projects, once and for all on your machine, so that's cool.
0:54 We're going to open up this existing project and explore it we're going to write some queries against it, to find some interesting tracks,
1:01 this is like an album store with artist, album, tracks, users and so on and we're going to also use the diagram tools
1:09 to understand how things like track and album, what they look like and how they are related to each other.
1:15 And finally, you're going to see the really amazing feature of when you have SQL embedded within strings in Python files
1:21 how you get both SQL language and database schema autocompletion which is just amazing. Alright, so get out there and play with this example
1:31 and enjoy the database stuff.

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