Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: PyCharm Projects
Lecture: Your turn: Projects

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0:01 You've seen how PyCharm worked with projects, now it's your turn. It's your turn to open PyCharm, play around with it
0:09 and explore some of the features around projects and you can just go and open any old project and play with it
0:16 but I actually have a set of hands-on instructions for you to follow if you'd like.
0:21 So over here on the github repository under tree master your turn 01 projects we have some specific things for you guys to do
0:31 to make sure that you remember and practice the various things around projects. Let's explore them. So this is your first hands-on exercise.
0:40 Let's go over here to the repository notice, there's a your turn section here and there's a your turn for almost every single chapter in this course.
0:51 So let's go over here and look at projects and see what we got going on. So for projects, we have two things we're going to do
0:57 open up a new project or create a project and add some code to it and run it and then we're going to open a somewhat complicated existing project
1:05 configure it in PyCharm and then run it as well. So you can just follow the steps, it should be pretty straightforward.
1:13 So we're going to go create a sort of a hello world and make sure that you use the virtual environment feature in Python, 2017.3 or greater.
1:22 This is nice, you get to play with this and we'll come down here and you also get to open up the jumpstart course demos
1:29 and play with the wizard class here, the wizard game and one of the things to make sure that is the goal of this part
1:36 is to not just make sure that you run it with a virtual environment, but also that this line 4 here has no squigglies, no errors.
1:42 So you'll see how to do that as you go through and if you find any sort of mistake in these instructions, you can submit an issue or a PR to fix them.
1:51 I've tested it out, hopefully it's all working well for you, so go out there, take a few moments and try PyCharm here.

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