Effective PyCharm Transcripts
Chapter: PyCharm Projects
Lecture: venv conventions

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0:01 Now you saw in the beginning when we opened our existing project for that snake_bnb I went and I created a virtual environment on the command line
0:11 using Python 3 venv command. And so there's conventions that PyCharm understands and this is super nice,
0:19 so here's typically how I would make a new project in PyCharm that uses environment, you just saw the gui but actually this is a lot quicker.
0:26 So I might make a folder and then go into that folder and create a virtual environment using this Python 3 command right here,
0:34 this would be exactly the same thing if you had gotten a project of a github, just you don't make the directory the git clone does that,
0:41 if you go in there and then you run this command and then when we open this project in PyCharm, we open that folder or directory in PyCharm,
0:51 notice, we've already got that virtual environment automatically detected as long as it wasn't previously opened in PyCharm,
0:58 because it creates this sort of project file that one time figures out what interpreter to use, and then it's set.
1:03 So long as you do the command line stuff first and then you open the directory, you'll have this virtual environment set up super quick and easy.

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