HTMX + Flask: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Feature 3: Infinite scroll
Lecture: Popular sites using infinite scroll
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Even if the term "Infinite Scroll" doesn't connect with you, if you're not exactly sure what this is,
you've definitely seen it. Popular social media sites like Facebook or Instagram, they don't have pages, you just keep scrolling,
especially on mobile. Similarly, with Twitter, here's my personal Twitter feed, and you can see if you just scroll,
the scroll bar is however big it is, but if you get to the bottom it's not done, it just pulls in more content and more content.
Even places like search engines, like Duck, Duck go, one of their options is to do infinite scroll for the search results.
I don't remember if this is the default, but if you go in here you can see like here's page one and page two
and they just put this divider, and you just keep scrolling, keep scrolling to figure out where the thing you're looking for goes up in the results.
So Infinite Scroll is very, very common. It's great on these sites that have tons of content and they really
don't end. How does that apply to our video collector app? Well, we have this feed. Remember we saw the feed, and it was really slow.
I had to pull it up, and it took about five seconds to render this feat of all of the videos on the site.
Well, first of all, do you want to show them all of the videos? Probably not, like let them go see the new ones and the popular ones and
then if they keep scrolling, just keep providing them more. So what we want to do is when they get to the end of the feed,
the ones we've displayed so far. We want to show this little, this bar thing at the bottom that's animated,
this little working, thinking type of animated thing as we're pulling in more videos and then boom
more of the videos just falling, and we just keep scrolling and keep scrolling. So that's what this chapter is about.
We're going to add that feature right there. This infinite scroll to the video feed, which shows the most recent or most popular videos,
something like that. I don't remember exactly what the sort is, but it shows all the videos on the site in some sort of ranked order.
Our video collector users are going to love it.