HTMX + Flask: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: HTML template partials
Lecture: Concept: Using partials
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Quick concept review of using partials to show our add video UI. So remember, we installed the jinja_partials package.
We registered extensions which makes the render partial function available on every Jinja template.
And then we just say here is an HTML file and here's the data it needs. So in this case we wanted to show that add_button,
that partial HTML to add the button. And that thing has a piece of data it requires, called cat_name. We had that same information but not in the same
variable. So we can just like you would with a parameter and a piece of
data you just set the value, and you pass it over variable name and the functions argument or parameter name doesn't have to match.
All right. So that's what we're doing. We say cat_name = category.category. And then down in the add_button.html we just write our code in our
HTML that we would have put there and use the data that's passed over. So we're going to add a hyperlink with hx-get and swap and the add a video
button or the add video hyperlink. And then you can see we're using cat_name because we're going to have to propagate
that back as part of our htmx exchange. That cat_name is being used right
there. So we just use keyword arguments to specify the data that the partial needs, couldn't be simpler