HTMX + Flask: Modern Python Web Apps, Hold the JavaScript Transcripts
Chapter: Feature 1: Click-to-edit
Lecture: Concept: Creating or canceling the video creation
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Once we got the form on the page, we want to be able to have users enter data into it with validation and then
either submit the form or decided to cancel it. That was the final thing we did in our demo, it is to say,
you know, we changed our mind, just cancel it. We're not actually interested in submitting this data. So here we have our form.
This is a standard HTML form. It's going to do a POST over two videos/add/{{cat_name}} and it has some inputs here like the idea of the video,
the title, the author and so on. And then it has a button that says create and we actually, in ours had type=submit
although it's not technically required. So this submit button here, this create button is just going to submit the form
as usual. Like I said we could extend this demo, this idea further and have it do some replaces on like a larger part of the page to kind of make
this more seamless. But I think this is good enough. We're gonna submit this back and create it.
It'll save it in the database and then redirect it to the page. Again, it's gonna reload by basically just doing a POST redirect pattern.
Going to reload this category in the browser. On the other hand, if we decided that we don't want to do that,
we want to cancel it. We're going to do the same trick as we just did for showing this form in the first place, we're going to say if you hit
cancel, we want to do a GET against videos/cancel/add/{{ cat_name }} and pass along the category name. And then we're going to say,
instead of hx-swamp, we're gonna say hx-target, because it's not just swapping out the button's HTML, like outerHTML or something.
We're going to swap out the thing that lives at that CSS selector ".video-form", which is a form with class "video-form".
That's the whole thing. Right? So let's cancel, and replaced this entire form that got put in the page back with
that add video hyperlink. And that's it. That's how we either submit the form and create a new video or decide to cancel
it and take the form back off the page.