Modern APIs with FastAPI and Python Transcripts
Chapter: Error handling and performance
Lecture: Error responses
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Well, our weather API works. We can come over here and click this. Get a nice result here, nice response.
However, what happens if there's the smallest of mistake? Like we misspell Portland to Portlnad.
That doesn't seem right. So we probably shouldn't be getting a server crash 500 server
error message when really what happened was there's just no city named Portlnad.
So let's go fix that. So what's happening is we're getting some response back, and it's just raising a standard exception.
So let's go and add a little bit more information here. We'll go over here and add a validation. We'll have a class,
which is a validation error, that derives from exception. And let's give it actually a couple of things.
Let's go over here and say that it's going to take an error message, string, and it's gonna take a status code, which is an integer. Let PyCharm
add that to the class for us. This way, when we get one of these errors, we'll have a meaningful way to respond and let's go over here like this,
Say "super dot init" and pass the error message along as well, perfect. So now we have one of these validation errors.
We can raise these and catch these and so on. So, for example, instead of this, we can say if response dot, say that this
is a response, like so. You can say that the status code is not equal to 200. Well, something went wrong over there.
So let's raise a validation error, like that, and we'll set the error message to be like this and the status code to the status
code. Let's pick an error message. Actually, let's just let the service communicate that response dot text, like that.
Let's see if this gives us some kind of better result for our Portlnad. We come over here and we try again.
Well, it crashed again because we're not converting that to a response. We'll do that now. So over here,
let's instead of just calling this, and we can just do a return, I suppose, like that. But instead of doing this,
let's say try to do it, and then we'll have an except validation error, like so. As
ve. And then what we want to do is return some kind of response. So return fastapi dot response. Set the content to be ve dot error message, and
the status code to be ve dot error. And I believe that's just gonna be, whoops status code. Set that to just the standard,
you know, plain text response. We could put that into a dictionary, right? This could be a little bit nicer. Maybe we'll do that in the end.
But let's just see what's happening now. Try again. 404 not found. And it says 404 there but that's not the super important thing.
Let's look at what the network says When we make this call. There you go, 404 is the actual response whoever called our API got,
which is perfect. So, we got our 400. Excellent, excellent, Excellent. There's a whole bunch of other validation that we need
to add that turns out to be a lot of work. We wanna make sure that we're always passing the lower case state,
maybe, in case that matters or not have spaces or potentially commas. We use two letter abbreviations instead of just random text,
and so on. Now that turns out to be super error prone. So Let's go and just do this real quick. We're gonna throw this in and import a type here.
So we're gonna have this thing called "validate units", which is going to take a city, state, country and unit, and it's going to return
modified city, state, country and units. Yes, second one maybe needs to be optional here. So what we want to do is go and strip out the city,
make it lower case. If there's no country, make it the US, otherwise lower case it, strip it, make sure it has length two,
if not create an error message that says it has to be length two, and that's bad data you passed because it's not length two.
So we're gonna raise a validation error just like before, but now it's gonna catch that. If there's a state,
do the same thing here, the units, make sure it's lowercase. There has to be some valid units. It has to be one of these three.
If it's not, say it has to be one. All that is a lot of work. I'll copy this to save a little typing. We'll go up to the top here,
and I'll just say that equals validate all of those things. Okay, let's see if we could get this to work. So we got our Portlnad.
That's a server error on the other side. This is valid. But what if we come over and say, country equals USA?
Nope. It must be two letters, US. And look, your 400, bad data. That's fine. So we got this back good again. And what if we say "units equals metricy"?
No, no, Can't be metricy, it has to be standard, imperial or metric, right? So now we've got our validation happening again and notice
the status code, not just the error message is being passed along. Cool, Right? So now, instead of saying, "Oh, the server crashed",
if we click up here and we got Portlnad, instead what we're getting back is error messages in terms of http status codes and meaningful messages.