Modern APIs with FastAPI and Python Transcripts
Chapter: Building a realistic API
Lecture: Partitioning with routers
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Well, we're off to a good start. We've got our Jinja templates. We've got our static files. We've got our homepage. We're gonna add,
of course, a few more things. But before we get too involved, I want to add a little more structure,
a little more organization, to what we're building here. Now, to be fair, this API, this app, is not really complicated enough to
super justify this, but I would do it anyway and certainly as your API and your apps grow, you would really,
really appreciate some organization. So let's go ahead and put a few more pieces in here. We're gonna do "api.get".
Now remember I showed you that If we ask for a favicon it got a 404? I don't think we need request here. And all we gotta do is just do a redirect.
So we're gonna return FastAPI. Whoops, this should be "favicon ico" somebody ask for that. We're gonna do "responses, redirect response".
And where is it we want them to go? The URL is going to be "static/ img/favicon.ico" OK, so these are kind of related with the homepage, have to
do with that. And then we're gonna have an API, let's just put weather for now, and then we're gonna have this,
let's call it "weather" and let's just say it's gonna return some report for the moment. It doesn't really matter what we're returning.
But as you can see, these are gonna get more complicated, especially this one. We're gonna have more API methods,
and it's gonna just turn this sort of app startup file into a complete mess. So what do we do?
Well, no problem. There's plenty of organization that we can do. So let's go over and make a directory called "api"
and let's make one called "views". All the API implementations are gonna go in the API
one and the stuff that does templates basically is going to go in the views. Over here, let's make a file called "home".
Maybe we have stuff in like account management, one for I don't know, browsing weather locations and so on. But we're gonna have stuff to do with home
go over here. We can just go and nab these things and drop them there. It's not gonna work yet, but it's sort of the path.
And then over here, I'll add weather API. Go back, we're gonna take this one. Gonna put those there. Now, what happens if I run this?
Well, Surprise, it survived. Okay, That's cool. How about now? Does it work well? No. 404. What happened?
Well, the problem is how does this app know about those other things, right? We didn't import them.
We haven't done anything. So maybe we could do this "from api import weather_api and from a views import home". Maybe that'll make it better. Yeah,
that's not better. That's definitely not better. So we end up with this chicken and egg problem.
We need to create one of these here and then over here, we need to use it. But in order to find the weather stuff we've gotta
import it here, the way we would get it over there is we would import main. We'd import weather, import main, import weather,
that's a circular reference. Some languages deal with that, Python doesn't. So that's not how we want to organize these things.
So instead, we're going to use another concept called "API routers", put that back. So we'll go over here and say "import fastapi"
we'll say a "router = fastapi.APIRouter()" like that. What is the goal of this?
Well, whatever you would have done with the app or API itself, now we can do get, post, and so on. And then we add this router in to what we're
doing with the main app. So let's do that with the home is well while we're here. And we also have this template thing we had going on here,
which only actually makes sense in this place. So let's go and add that as well.
I'm gonna need to import requests from starlette, a little bit of organization, but no more errors there. No more errors here.
So the last thing we need to do, notice this where we're mounting the routes, I'm gonna improve this as well, but we need the "api.include_router()"
Let's do "home.router" and weather, "weather_api.router" Just run it to see that that works.
Okay, So what we do is we basically define little sub parts of our application in these routers, and we just bring them all together here. Run again.
Wooo! Beautiful, beautiful! If we click this, what's going to happen? We get some report. Awesome. So our API is working as well as our home page. And,
get it to refresh, Oh yeah, Check it out. We even got it to put the favicon up there. Super sweet. So we can use this.
We can use these routers to have a much, much, much better organization of our code instead of cramming it all into the
Final thing, let's do a little bit more organization here. Let's go and define a method called "configure"
and here we're going to, I guess we'll have configure, configure routing, and let's have a
function here. Why? Why would I have just one function that just calls another? Because we're gonna be doing other things.
Configuring the database, configuring API keys, configuring this, so this this area will grow. And now if I just run it like this,
we're gonna be back to our 404. Alright, 404. So what we need to do is we need to make sure that we call configure first and this is super tricky
what's going on here. A lot of times when we run in production, this code is not run in this way. So this should fix it, get it to come up.
There we go. So it works again. But let's see if I could make it run the way it would in production. Come down here. We would say "uvicorn",
I think it's dash, "-b main:api" like this. There we go. uvicorn. Let's see what we're supposed to do. Maybe it's just like this. There we go.
Alright, It looks like it worked yeah? So should be fine. we're back to not found again. What's going on? Here's what's going on.
Check this out. So it just imported this file, didn't run the main stuff, and that meant configure didn't get called. So we need to have an "else",
and this is what happens in production is down here. I'm gonna do this little configure thing.
Now I go down to the terminal and I uvicorn it. It's back to working, okay. And again, if I run it like this, also working. Awesome.
So we've got some organization done here. We've got the structure of our to help organize the startup code and
like things like database connections, all that kind of stuff that we're gonna have to sort of pile on here, right? Not quite there yet,
but we're getting there. And then, more importantly, we've put all the home stuff over here into the views.
And we put the API pieces into their own files as well. This one thing that we could also do is we could do
like this. Come over and say there's going to be all the views that have to do with home go in there. And we have a shared, that could go in there,
because as we have more views, you probably wanna have some structure as well. And that means, oh look at that. PyCharm
re-factored it. That is fantastic. Did it do it over here? No, no, no, no, man, if it did, that would have been awesome.
Say home slash to include the directory. Let's see how this works. Yeah,
it does. Layout is there. You can see you know that the layout got imported because of the CSS is still here.
Yeah. Perfect. Okay, so now we've got some organization around our templates, around our API's, around our views, and our main app, our,
our main app start up.