Modern APIs with FastAPI and Python Transcripts
Chapter: Welcome to the course
Lecture: Your instructor: Michael Kennedy

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0:00 You might have been wondering, Who is this guy talking to you? It's Michael. Hey, I'm Michael Kennedy. Nice to meet you. Here I am.
0:06 You can find me on Twitter where I'm @mkennedy. You may know me from the Talk Python To Me podcast or Python Bytes podcast I host with Brian Okken.
0:14 I'm also the founder and one of the principal authors over at Talk Python Training.
0:18 So I've been doing a lot of work in the Python space for a long time and all these different outlets give me a good view into what is important and
0:26 what is happening in the Python space, and FastAPI is definitely coming up more and more often as an important part of the ecosystem
0:33 throughout all of these areas. Great to meet you. Looking forward to doing this course with you.

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