Talk Python Training

Online video courses for Python developers

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Learn online

Learn on-demand through high quality training videos. Our videos and additional resources are available 24/7 so you can learn what you need exactly when you need it.

Lifetime access

With our pay once, own it forever business model, you can rest assured that the courses you put time into become permanent resources for your career.

High quality

Online training from a source you can trust. Courses are written and presented by Michael Kennedy, the host of the Talk Python To Me podcast and professional trainer with over 10 years of experience.
The Everything Bundle

The Everything Course Bundle

Are you serious about learning Python? Get the The Everything Python Course Bundle.

With our bundles you own the courses forever, but you get all the courses at roughly 28% the list price.

What students are saying

Working my way through the 10 app bundle. GREAT tutorial/training! Well thought out and presented. Highly recommended.
Discovered a superb Python tutorial this past weekend. The video and companion website covers tools and techniques for the entire development pipeline... I would consider this an advanced tutorial, but it is worth browsing for the exposure to tools beyond the Python library and a stock text editor.
Matthew R.
Absolutely loving the course. I learned so much, not just Python principles but your methodology with designing an app. Your lessons in PyCharm have really helped a ton too. I've bought so many books and online classes but nothing has brought it all together like you have, so a big thanks to you Michael!
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Our courses, your device

Watch our courses on your device, on the go, or even offline! Our mobile apps are the best way to experience Talk Python courses on Android and iOS.

Courses come with free office hours

One of the challenges of self-paced online learning is if you get stuck it can be hard to get help to get yourself unstuck.

That's why we offer live, online office hours. You drop in and join a group of fellow students to chat about your course progress and see solutions via screen sharing.

Just visit your account page and click the office hours tab to see the upcoming office hour schedule.

Office hours

Talk Python To Me podcast

We created and host the Talk Python To Me podcast. This provides much of the inspiration and background for our courses.

If you want to take your Python game to a higher level, you won't find a bigger assortment of interviews and insights with the leaders of the Python community.

Python Bytes podcast

Looking to keep up with the latest headlines and news in the Python space? Be sure to listen to the Python Bytes podcast.

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