Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer Transcripts
Chapter: Course Conclusion
Lecture: Lightning review

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0:01 So let's just take a few minutes and review what we have studied and what we've learned. We started out looking at PEP 8
0:07 and many people when they first start looking at Pythonic code and thinking about these idioms and these concepts,
0:12 they might feel that, well, PEP 8 is what is Pythonic code, it defines how we write Pythonic code.
0:19 Yes it does touch on some of the things you should do in Python, it does talk about how you should write your code
0:23 and even some of the underlying patterns that you use, but there is so much more, as you now know. We talked about many foundational concepts
0:32 and in some senses it's just kind of a grouping of a really important core concepts that didn't fit into their own category.
0:39 So we talked about thruthiness, booleans, leveraging the truthiness of objects, testing for None, remember, use "is", not "== None",
0:47 we talked about multiple tests against the single value, remember we saw that Pythonic way to do this is value "in" collection
0:55 or set of options, using "random.choice" to find a random item out of a sequence; we talked about string formatting,
1:03 we saw that when you write scripts that are meant to be run as programs
1:06 and chained together Unix style, you should really add exit codes for the error conditions, and we also saw flat is better than nested, in practice.
1:16 We next turned our attention to dictionaries and you saw a dictionary is really a core part of the Python language.
1:22 You saw there were tremendous performance benefits for using dictionaries for random lookup by values
1:27 other than the index compared to other collection types such as list.
1:31 We saw that using __slots__ in certain limited situations can dramatically improve Python's performance around memory.
1:39 Python 3.5 introduced a new way to merge dictionaries, we saw that dictionaries can be a stand-in for switch statements,
1:46 and we saw that dictionaries are isomorphic to JSON. Then we turned our attention to generators and collections,
1:52 generators as in methods using the yied keyword as well as generator expressions using the parentheses
1:58 instead of the square brackets like a list comprehension. We talked about using "in" to test for whether an item is in a collection or not,
2:04 we saw slicing is a core Pythonic concept and can even be applied to outside of basic sequences like lists and so on, to things like databases.
2:14 For methods we saw that "yield" and "yield return" let us write simple and highly efficient generator methods;
2:20 and finally, we saw that if we have a generator, regardless of where it comes from, whether it's a generator method
2:25 or a generator expression, we saw a cool trick for summing up or counting the number of items in a generator.
2:32 One of the core building blocks for Python of course is functions. And we saw the functions are first class citizens
2:38 we saw that lambda expressions let us write small concise functions to be passed around as arguments,
2:44 we talked about how using return values as errors from functions, while sometimes OK is generally, as a rule of thumb, frowned upon,
2:52 and we should use errors and exception handling rather than return types to indicate failure,
2:58 we talked about different ways to add polymorphism or overloading to functions, we talked about default values, variable number of arguments,
3:05 keyword arguments, mapping dictionaries to and from keyword arguments all those sorts of things, and finally we saw one of the Python gotchas
3:13 of which there is not many, but using a mutable instance or a mutable type for a default value. Next, we came to import antigravity,
3:23 talked about how amazing packages are and what the idioms around using packages and your own modules are in Python.
3:30 So remember, try to avoid wildcard imports, "from package import *", not super-Pythonic. If you are building a module that is meant to be reused
3:39 but also sometimes run as a program, you saw the "main", the __main__ convention in action. We also briefly touched on virtual environments,
3:47 using requirements.txt to help the consumer of your application know what they need to install.
3:55 Moving from functional programming into object-oriented programming we saw that classes and object oriented programming in Python are very important,
4:02 and a key cornerstone of the language, we saw the right and the wrong way to add fields to the classes,
4:06 we talked about data encapsulation and data hiding with underscore field name being protected
4:11 and double underscore field name actually getting mangled by the Python runtime
4:15 so that it's effectively private, although you saw that it's not really super hidden, you can still get to it.
4:20 And we saw that properties, both read-only and read/write are very powerful ways to encapsulate and protect our data
4:27 and let the class manage it more itself. Loops in Python are interesting because they are fairly different
4:34 than most other languages, we saw there is no numerical "for" loop,
4:38 there is only a sequence based "for...in" loop, but there are things to add into there,
4:42 sequences we can use that will give us variants that are basically numerical "for" loops.
4:48 So remember we can "for...in" over a range and that will give us numbers in sequence,
4:51 if we have a sequence and we want to "for...in" over that and get the index, we enumerate over that and project or unpack that
4:59 into the tuple "index, value" and then we work with that. We also saw that loops have an "else" block but we should forget that fact.
5:06 Tuples are powerful lightweight containers often used in Python. And, we saw that we can unpack those into variables,
5:13 so let's do something like "x,y =" tuple of length 2, put the first item in "x" and the second item in "y" and so on,
5:20 and we can use that for all sorts of cool tricks, we'll use that when we do a "for...in" loop over enumerate,
5:25 we used that if we wanted simulate returning multiple values from a method, remember,
5:29 technically that's not what happens, but that's how it appears in code, which is wonderful;
5:34 we finally saw that while tuples are great, working with them can be error-prone and kind of unclear, so upgrading them to named tuples
5:41 via "collection.namedtuple" is a really nice way to work with them. Finally, we took a look around the ecosystem for Python
5:48 and said "there are so many amazing packages outside of Python", let's just round out the course by making a point
5:55 that you should first look to things like PyPi, the Python package index and GitHub for the various building blocks or lego pieces of your application
6:04 rather than trying to write them all from scratch.

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