Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer Transcripts
Chapter: Tuples
Lecture: Swapping values
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Let's see the Pythonic way to swap two values and hint: It involves tuples. All right, so here we have two values, "x" and "y",
you can see we'll print them out here and we'll print them out there and our attention is to do some sort of swap thing.
Let's just run it really quickly. All right, obviously not swapped yet, let's swap them here. In most languages, this is sort of a 3-step process,
you'd say something like "temp = x", "x = y", "y = temp". Now if we run this, you'll see they should be swapped,
great, 7, 11, 11, 7, but this is non-Pythonic. And let's even teach PyCharm: "Hey, that's a word".
OK, so if we are going to do this in a Pythonic way, we are going to use tuples, and it turns out you can do it in a beautiful concise one-liner
by temporarily creating a tuple and then unpacking it into the same variables but in reverse, so we can say "y, x = x, y".
Remember, the comma here creates a tuple and then the stuff in the left hand side will unpack that tuple
back into the values but it unpacks "x" into "y" and unpacks "y" into "x". Beautiful, one line, very Pythonic, let's see if it works.
Ta da, same thing, much cleaner. Want to swap two values in Python? Create a tuple and unpack it back into the reversed set of variables,
so here we have "x" and "y", we say "y, x = x, y". Swapped, one line, very Pythonic.