Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer Transcripts
Chapter: Generators and Collections
Lecture: Custom iteration and your types

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0:01 Let's talk about collections, list comprehension, generators and generator expressions.
0:07 All of these concepts are extremely central to this idea of Pythonic code, many of them are very unique to Python actually.
0:14 The first item we are going to look at is iteration. We saw that Python does not have a numerical "for" loop,
0:20 there is no "for(i=0; ;i++)" style loop, you literally work with sequences, you iterate over collections and so on.
0:27 There is many built in types that work that way such as lists and dictionaries and so on, but if we had our own type we defined,
0:34 we might want to be able to iterate over it as well. Here is the ShoppingCart class, and you can add items to it that you are going to buy later,
0:42 possibly we'd like to create an API such that you can iterate over the shopping cart and get the items back.
0:47 Let's have a look over in PyCharm and see how that goes. So here is basically the same code and we are defining this thing
0:54 called the CartItem and it's just really a container for a name and a price, down on line 15 here, we are going to add three items to our cart,
1:02 a guitar, a cd and an iPhone. What if we wanted to loop over our cart? Maybe it works right now,
1:09 let's just try, so if we want to write the code "for item in cart:", maybe we'll just print this out, so we'll print,
1:17 let's do the name and we'll do the price here, we'll do a little format so we'll say "item.name, item.price".
1:26 And let's do a little header here, so items in your cart. You can see that PyCharm is warning us
1:31 we are kind of going down a bad path here, so it's like "this is not going to work", but let's go ahead and give it a try,
1:36 just to see what the error is. Boom, ShoppingCart object is not iterable. OK, so we'd like to write this code but how do we do it?
1:45 the ability to add iteration to a type is based on the Python data model, which all the dunder methods comprise.
1:51 So we can come up here and add this particular one, we can say "def __iter__" and form this method
1:57 we have to return iterator object, which has a length and next. If we just want to loop over the items as they are,
2:04 we can leverage the underlined collection class itself and it knows how to create one of these so we could just say "self.items.__iter__"
2:13 go back down here, PyCharm is happy, that's a good sign, let's see if it works. Boom, "items in your cart: guitar, cd, iPhone". Beautiful.
2:22 What if we wanted to have a little more control than just exposing the underline structure, or underline item here,
2:28 what if we wanted to say "sort these and then hand them back"? We can come over here and we could say "sorted_items = sorted"
2:37 and we could pass self.items, and we could pass a key selector, we could say here is a lambda that given an item is going to return item.price,
2:47 and then we can return sorted_items.__iter__ now you can see we have out items but sorted, not necessarily the same way they were stored before
3:01 and we could even go and say I'd like the negative price here, so now we have the most expensive ones first.
3:09 So you might think that this is fairly distasteful here and I don't really like it either, we are going to talk more later about generators,
3:17 but if you are familiar with the yield keyword, we could write something like this: "for i in sorted items yield i", we could write this code as well,
3:27 and this would do basically the same thing, it returns the generator rather than list but that's fine.
3:34 So take your pick, we'll talk more about yield later. OK, we saw that in order to add iteration to our shopping cart,
3:41 we just need to add a __iter__ method here rather than just exposing the underline self.items
3:48 we are actually exposing a sorted version of it as a generator. So now we come over here we add some items into it and if you want,
3:56 we can do a "for...in" loop over our cart point out the items as you saw and we can grab once we have them, the name and the price and print those out.
4:03 So it's super easy to add custom iterations to your type and building on this Python data model with the dunder methods
4:09 sometimes called magic methods is a very Pythonic thing to do.

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