Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer Transcripts
Chapter: Dictionaries
Lecture: To and from JSON

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0:01 When I introduced a section on dictionaries I said that JSON and dictionaries are basically isomorphic,
0:06 there is a one to one mapping between these things. Let's explore that relationship really quickly here.
0:12 So here is some text, just a single string, multiline string here, and it's in the JSON format.
0:21 We'd like to take this, which looks extremely like a dictionary in Python, in fact if I take this, say "print(type(movie_json), movie_json)"
0:32 and I run this, you'll see this is a string. However, if I say "movie_dictionary = " just copy and paste out of there
0:41 and indent a little and I do the same thing, this is actually a dictionary and it's pulled this value,
0:46 I mean, it's basically like you could take the text or JSON and evaluate it, almost, right. So, that's really cool, but given this text, at runtime,
0:58 how do I dynamically turn this into JSON because copy and paste static data doesn't make any sense, so we are going to use the JSON module,
1:06 so "import json", spell correctly, we'll come down here, let's put this down at the bottom for a minute,
1:11 we'll come over here and we'll say "movie_data ==" we just say "json." Now notice there is a "load", which actually takes
1:22 a file pointer and a "loads", which loads from the string, so we'll say movie_json, so let's just print this out here.
1:29 So we'll do something similar, we'll print the type of movie_data and then let's print out movie_data itself.
1:35 So if we run it, we actually successfully parse this JSON text which in reality probably comes somewhere off the web or off the file system,
1:43 we parse that into a dictionary and here is the dictionary printed back out. So we could answer questions like "The title is {}.format()"
1:53 and we'll just say movie_data.get(title), boom. "The title is Johnny 5". So, that's a super nice way to go from JSON into Python dictionaries,
2:06 what about the reverse? So if I have some dictionary, let's just take the same data and reverse it, we can say so let's just call it movie_json_text_2,
2:15 and we can get that by just saying "jason.dumps()" and if we give it a dictionary it will dump that out as JSON.
2:25 So here and we can just print type of this thing and then print that. Perfect, dictionary here is the dictionary data, used it to pull some data back,
2:35 and we want to go the other way to send it across the wire, save it to a file system, we now have a string and it's actually the JSON text here.
2:44 So we used the JSON module to make this transformation between JSON and dictionaries, "loads" for strings, "load" for file pointers,
2:52 and then "dumps" for string, "dump" for file pointers. So to review in a graphic, here we have "import json" so we can use that module,
3:01 we have string, which presumably comes off the internet or off the file system, which is a set of JSON text that we want to parse,
3:10 so we can parse that into an in-memory dictionary saying "loads", now movie_data is a dictionary, if we want to save it back to the file system
3:18 or otherwise treat it as a string, "json.dumps", boom, done.

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